
I have been getting the procedure regularly since 1988 when my Dad developed colon cancer. The prep will vary from one doctor to the other in the US. My best advice is to get an upper (endoscopy) at the same time you get the lower (colonoscopy). This is easier on the patient, it uses little additional anesthetic, no additional prep or effort to schedule, very little extra time for the procedure, and it is only incremental effort by the doctor and the nurses on the day of the procedure. I recommend this to everybody who asks and it is always well received. I have never had a doctor object to this request, and at our age and lifestyle, it is not hard to justify.


I have had a couple and for me, they were not nearly as bad as people had said they would be. For me, the worst part was the drinking of a lot of the fluid they give to clean you out beforehand. Not something I would choose to do if I had a choice but I have been through worse medical treatments and investigations. I hope yours goes OK and you get a good result.


Nothing to add but very glad I was sedated when I had one a year or so ago. Hope it went routinely anyway ARCHIE67

All I can recall from mine is that it was a very large, but cold room. There were five female staff carrying out the procedure.

It wasn’t painful as such but I do remember some discomfit from the air being pumped in and they said it was quite normal when I had a very loud fart.

No polyps found and all clear, so that was my first and only one.


No cancer thank god , but diverticulitis think I’ve spelt that right , that caused the blood and and infection, so looks like a new diet regime .
Thanks all for the reply’s .


Pop to the chemist and get a pack of buscopan and fibrogel.
Keep on hand for if ever you get cramps from the diverticulitis.


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