Connecting Hugo 2 to N272 preamp

Hi I want to use my Iphone with Amazon HD with a Chord Hugo Dac.

My question is how would i connect this up to the N-272?
and what cable would be needed.

Currently I use a Cyrus soundkey on my iphone via camera lightning with a 3.5mm jack to rca connected to the Analogue 2 on my 272.

Would I notice a massive difference in quality by using a Chord Hugo 2?

Any answers appreciated

You can just connect the Hugo RCA analogue out to the 272. Naim amps generally prefer DIN connections, but if you have an RCA-RCA cable it will still work fine.

I’m not familiar with the Soundkey, but the Hugo is a very capable DAC, so it should be a nice upgrade.

Why not connect the iPhone directly to the 272 via the front USB? There’s a trick… you have to first play an album in iTunes, then select your streaming app. No need for extra cables or an external DAC. I listen to hi-rez Qobuz on my 172 preamp via my iPhone. Sounds great.

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