Considering vinyl end game... but you're putting me off!

I must admit, I have been considering replacing my second deck for the last couple of months. The old Project Perspective is getting long in the tooth and all that I can do, as far as upgrading it goes, is change the cartridge.
RP8 is pretty high up on my list, as I nearly bought one instead of the LP12. However, so is another LP12. Considering setting a budget and tasking Cymbiosis to build me one…:thinking:


LP12 any day- almost unlimited tinkering/upgrade possibilities as I know to my cost!!

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I already have one for that fun @Endon :joy:
This is my second deck for when we are listening in the house🫣

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The Audio Room will definitely be a good place to go to.

If I were looking for a second deck I would go for something completely different. A DD maybe?

When i used to collect vinyl coloured were usually not as good. Maybe it has changed.

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I get that a lot of people are sliding that way with Technics products particularly, but it’s not for me.
Amongst other things I don’t really like the design.
I have considered going for an out of the box product like one of the Clearaudio MM packages. It is my intention to use the on board MM Phono Stage of my current Attessa or possibly SN3 in the future.

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I went on the same journey you are considering exactly three years ago.

I left vinyl in 1990 and we got reacquainted in 2020. Lockdown forced us to consider what we really liked about each other.

Haven’t regretted it for a moment. Go for it.


You could always double your pain! :grimacing:


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If it’s of interest, there’s a thread here about plugging a vinyl front end into a Nova.

Hey - I would suggest starting on a reasonable non fussy table - I use a solid state technics 1500 - basically the 1200 with an automatic lifter and with an upgraded needle - it sounds great for around 2K - I find the experience of listening to albums is second to none, although I do think my streamer sounds better - I just enjoy the experience of vinyl more.
Be careful on becoming a collector though - I’d wait until you have the set up and see how much you enjoy the experience before building out a collection now.

@BobbyYork For anyting 1200/1210, you’ll also need a phono stage and a cartridge. The SL-1500C, has a built in phono-stage and comes with a cartridge. Then there’s the SL-100C, which is the same as the 1500C, but omits the phono stage and comes with a cheaper cartridge to cut the price. Now the catch is, that the price difference is bigger than the price of the cartridge that comes with the 1500C.

I.e. if you considering getting a separate phono stage anyway, the 100C is probably a better use of funds than the 1500C. I don’t know how good the phono stage is, so can’t say if that can be bettered or not for the price difference.

AFAIK none of the 1200/1210’s come with a cartridge (needle) and all are above the 1500 in the range. Excluding perhaps the DJ oriented decks like the mk7, but that doesn’t come with a cartridge either.

I wanted the automatic lifter so I didn’t wear out needles - so I got the 1500 - I think the 100 is the deal out of the 3 as they are very similar otherwise. I upgraded the cartridge/needle to the orfon black - it comes with a built in phono stage but I used the line out directly into my SN3 - very noticeable improvement over a P3 with orfon orange - unsure if it’s the deck or the needle, but it sounds great. I liked the 1200 for the looks/history - but it doesn’t have hinges on the lid, and no lifter…

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Here’s my 1200G - with hinged lid. Where are you getting your information from about the Technics decks?

Do you mean the mk7?


Pretty sure I used an arm lift lever on my 1200GR many times today. And a hinged lid too.

weird - I read it somewhere - i retract my statement. Also - it’s unfair to post such a great pic of such a wonderful deck - I’ll end up needlessly upgrading!

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I like the automatic lifter, shame they don’t include it on the higher end 1200’s. Those do have hinges on the lid BTW. You’re probably talking about the mk7, which is targeted at DJ’s, not HiFi.

My dealer does offer it with hinges as an upgrade though.


Both the 1200 mk7 and 1200G are listed on the Technics website as coming with “Dust cover” - I could believe the DJ oriented deck omitted a cover if it’s going to live in a flight case, but the website seems consistent in its description of both decks. Anyway, sorry for infecting you with upgraditis :wink:

It’s an auto-lifter, lifting the arm at the end of the record, that the decks below the 1200 range have. We need to lift manually.

The mk7 does come with one, but it doesn’t have hinges. Not sure if it’s otherwise attached or just loose, but you can’t open it like on ours, you need to remove the whole thing.