i was very content with my 222/350s system any thoughts of upgrades were easily pushed into background. now have real problems with latest firmware - hoping naim can sort this and contentment returns
I think there was the system rack thing as well. Wasn’t it Fraim, Isoblue then Ercol coffee tables!
…and lets not look mention watches.
To be fair there are plenty on the forum who like to change there gear and without them it would be a much duller place!
Try the all Digital inputs on settings suggested by @Cohen1263.
thanks for reminder - am planning to try that today (haven’t wanted to play anything last few days). hoping the same settings will work with nc 222
That’s what I have. Last night’s listening session proved to be much improved across a range of music that I have avoided playing recently. All streamed from Tidal using the Naim app.
People must have rather dull little lives if they take pleasure from laughing at others.
Am not being mean as I like your posts. The forum was a duller place when you took your sabbatical! However, yes, I do find your constant equipment recycling amusing. But each to their own…
Similarly I find Simon in Suffolk’s descriptive language to detail the sound of his Nait50/Russell K Red system (and before that Naim/ATC system) quite amusing! But equally he seems happy so all is good.
Dunc’s post are often amusing as well.
THANK MrFixit - seems to have done the trick - music is enjoyable again!
Hi @Dipper
Lovely post - you have a great and simple system.
Were you in a position to compare the 25.23i’s passively and actively through your atom?
It’s good to read when someone is content with their existing set up and are not yearning after the next upgrade.
I am sure @PeakMan is right that the vast majority of people are too busy enjoying listening to music to be posting on here.
Congratulations on your system!
Hi @1GiantLeap, I bought the passive speakers and the active boards separately but I didn’t have the opportunity to compare them actively v passively as I bought the whole system at the same time and used my old system as part ex. So I didn’t have a power amp to try with the passive speakers.
Thanks for your comments. The Atom HE does seem to work very well with the active PMC’s and for what I paid for the system I’m very happy. Cheers😁
Very content with my original 1983 LP12, XS integrated amp, XS Flatcap, stage, and B&W 602 s2 stand mount speakers that provide an equally balanced setup and sheer musicality to my ears. As with many of us that upgrade bug lingers on from one upgrade to another, My last upgrade was from the first 5i 2 incarnation to the first xs integrated incarnation and added the XS Flatcap thirteen years ago. The lingering upgrade bug crept in once learning of the latest 202 and 200 at the time, haunted me for a while then came along the XS3 and its features, Just what the audio doctor ordered as for the longest had in mind to add a network streaming server and a second turntable. As asked in another post, what is your Naim sweet spot?, the XS3 would be mine though the lingering upgrade ghost lingers on to the ideal musically sounding next level-up Hifi system once again. This time upgrading the LP12 cartridge and replacing the B&W 602 S2 speakers. Oh and maybe bump up to a Hicap. but then the Supernait 3 is always an alternative suggestion but is many many dollars more.
I’ve had many combinations over many years and I have now settled after multi box systems to my Klimax LP12 with Supernait 3 and Kudos X3 speakers I have a CD5si too.
Perfectly content and it does all I need with loads in reserve.
Sometimes less really is more.
Maybe also try the @Darkebear trick of accessing the web client?
thanks MrFixit just done it- now i just need to stop listening to the system and go back to listening to the MUSIC to regain contentment
While the addition of an ND5 SX2 to my Ayre electronics was a step forward, what finally brought contentment was a remodeling of my apartment which yielded a true sweet spot for listening. That wasn’t the original purpose, but it is probably the greatest benefit.
Mac Mini, Atom HE and Focal Stella headphones. I shoud add a recording by Susanna Mälkki & Helsinki Philharmonic with an all Sibelius program. The two English horn solos are stunning.
I am extremely content with my current setup. It brings me joy whenever I listen to it, although I often think a nice streamer would be an excellent addition. Do you think an ND555 would complement what I have?
Hi @Ludde47, I’m having a listen to the album right now - very good indeed. I see it’s recieved a GRAMMY nomination for ‘Best Orchestra Performance’.
Absolutely. But if the Nd555 will be maintained serviceable.
The Naim streamer at a comparable performance level to your amp would be NDX2/XPSDR. If you have the budget for an ND555, even better.