Coronavirus - our mental health

[quote=“Alley_Cat, post:31, topic:7381, full:true”]

[quote=“harper, post:27, topic:7381, full:true”]

Personally I’d love to have weeks at home There are so many things I normally don’t have time to attend to/sort out when working, and actually reading some books I’ve always wanted to could be a great way to pass the time. [/quote]

Not when you think civilisation outside may be about to grind to a standstill, to put it politely! There is only a certain amount of reading, watching box sets and gaming that can be done before ennui sets in with a vengeance. Face it, prisoners can do all these things, plus workouts. What matters is the loss of freedom to just go out where you want to, with whoever you want to, whenever you want to. Just to be able get up and walk out of the door is the most valuable possession I have.



My post was completely serious.

She was merely frustrated and rather wound up (I suspect by the inappropriate words and actions of the head of the federal government).

The most important is to try to enjoy life and stay positive. Have I the right to stay happy and enjoy music, movies, books…when outside thousands of people are dying ?
I think so.
The best would however to be able to help them but it’s not possible to most of us.
I am not saying I am enjoying my day as if nothing sad was appearing, but I try. Will it be better to watch all day long the medias, count the dead, be sad at hearing the same informations continuously ? I don’t think so.
I keep safe and will be able to help people when the self isolation will end.


We had one person at my workplace who was getting more and more anxious and frantic, worried about herself, her family, worried about catching it, worried if our measures are sufficient - worried whatever she did. She was flapping: literally, her arms waving almost all the time. I had to send her home as she was adversely affecting others, as well as risking making herself ill. Whilst staff are taking turns to be in work and otherwise at home to minimise risk of simultaneous infection, I think she has to stay at home permanently for the duration - but at the same time I worry for her mental health being stuck at home. All I can do is try and keep in regular contact and hope that isolation does more good than harm.

Agree 100%

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Bien parle…

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When I am walking, with distances, the vast majority of people I see don’t dare smile to me, as if we were enemies.
It’s a bit sad. The smile doesn’t transmit the virus, even the contrary.

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May I suggest a nice unconditional smile from you in that case…

Sometimes we have to give many times to get 1 time…

This is the initial phase of the calamity that is upon us.

As time goes by people will realize some actions don’t spread the virus…

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Oh, I make the effort to say good morning to them.

I thought the same when walking the dog yesterday. Not many people smiling and with a look of worry.

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Yes, I agree. I have seen a lot of people avoiding eye contact and an expression tinged with suspicion.

Perhaps what we are all being asked to do would be better described as "physical distancing " rather than social distancing…? Thoughts…?

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I too, but some don’t dare to respond…Paris people are not the most friendly however.

The medias should show more positive informations during this time. Alternate between coronavirus and happy and nice things. They do the contrary to create the maximum fear and create audience and money.

It can increase the sadness of walkers too…

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Yes, but I don’t think it was the media who coined the social distancing term was it? I thought it was the various governments working to medical advice. Maybe I’m wrong :thinking:

As to fear. A little of that is perhaps not a bad thing in the circumstances, if it helps persuade some to do the right thing.

Yes, you are right. But too much fear creates inhumanity, if I can express that term. Or decrease of social kindness.
The tv showed recently that a doctor working in an hospital received a letter from neighbors, asking him to leave the building ! Because he was considered as a danger for them in the building.
Astonishing !

What an awful story :confused:

The police is now investigating, and searching « empreintes digitales « on the letter.
Finger prints, I remembered the term now…

We are seeing the phenomenon here too…

It is sad

People are afraid for their lives.

Previously doctors were thought as saviour…rightly so

Now everybody is a potential transmitter…

Nevertheless it’s quite sad and our govt is coming down hard on such instances

Same with airline crew too…

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Have to be very careful making those judgement calls if your are employing that person. Do not envy you at all.

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I’m upset…Mental Health…??

Are people stupid for real,.so here (see below) some take social responsibility and behaves in Sweden…

:small_blue_diamond:Adults behave like children in defiant age…!!

You’d think people with death staring right in the face would choose to listen.
That the concern for both one’s own family and the society,.should be the first to take responsibility for.
:red_circle: But No…

There are those who instead choose to live as if Covid-19 did not exist.
As if they were immortal,.and all the advice and recommendations apply to someone else.

They don’t have a thought of canceling trips or avoiding social contacts.
Not a given thought that every new person who is infected,.risks in turn infecting the most vulnerable in our society.
As defiant three-year-olds,.these people have continued to go to the Pub,go Shopping in town and Travel here and there.

A family from Sälen in Sweden,.says in one of our biggest tabloids (24/3).

•“To Canceling Our Trip,.we have not thought about at all,but we think that the old ones may isolate themselves,.so we can go” :astonished:.

•A woman from Stockholm on a skiing holiday in Åre (Sweden),.tells us (23/3) that…
“our son was sent home from school,.and then we might as well come here and go skiing” :astonished:.

•On TV,.a father from Stockholm tells how they…
“try to live in their own bubble and go skiing among other people” :astonished:.

•Pensioners go out into the big cities,.and answer the media’s questions,if they are worried about corona with that…
“you may well hold your breath if there are too many people” :astonished:.

It’s so stupid and ignorant that it’s hard to understand.
So My Thought Is…

