Curmudgeon Time

Hi Folks

I know I’m gonna come across as a miserable curmudgeon but I like to live by the “If it ain’t broke don’t try to fix it” school of thought.

Just added a few albums to my Uniti Nova’s SD Card (and yes 512 Gb does work fine) After ripping and cleaning them from vinyl, It then went through a lengthy process of indexing them which I get. However, now I’ve got artist descriptions and biogs?? Also some artists are now described as unknown?

Does anyone know how to turn this feature off and just have an albums and artists list like before? I know you’re gonna say use an external drive other than the SD card…

I’m really not interested in being told what I’m listening to. I put it there so I’ve got a fair idea.

Awaiting flack

G :grinning::weary::flushed:

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