Dac/Streamer Naim ND5 XS2

I have a Naim Supernait 3 integrated amplifier with a Naim Hi-Cap DR power supply and Bowers & Wilkins 805 D3 speakers. My analog system consists of a Rega Planar 8 turntable with an Ania Pro cartridge and a Naim Aria MK3 phono preamp.

I currently listen exclusively to vinyl, but I’d like to add a digital system since there’s music I’d like to listen to without necessarily owning the vinyl. I’m considering buying a DAC/Streamer.

I’m very happy with the Naim Supernait, which is why I thought about staying within the Naim brand. I don’t want to spend as much as the Naim ND X2 costs, but I noticed that the Naim ND5 XS2 is significantly more affordable.

However, I have a few concerns.
First, I’m not very familiar with digital audio, and this DAC was released in 2018-2019. Given how fast things evolve in the digital world, I’m unsure if it’s outdated compared to newer options (I’m not up to date with the latest features or advancements in modern DAC/Streamers).

Also, I don’t know if Naim’s digital systems lean toward an analytical or more musical sound. Coming from vinyl, I’d prefer a DAC/Streamer with a more musical character.

Apologies for my English, as I’m using AI translation.
Best regards.

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I’d recommend a ND5xs2 or NDX2 as the perfect match for your SN3.

Either of them tends to be “musical” IMHO. If you can afford the NDX2, it’s more flexible if you plan on upgrading later on. Try to get a demo if you can. Most people are surprised at how good the ND5XS2 can sound.


Naim chose this DAC for a reason and in their opinion is the best they could use. Many people agree with them.

Some people prefer another DAC (notably made by Chord for example), but you have to be willing to live with the appearance of Chord products and to spend the considerable money involved if you want to go in that direction.

The NDX2 is in many ways better than the ND5 XS2, but if money is tight, you won’t be disappointed with the ND5 XS2.


Thank you Marcusman!

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Thank you Davidhendon!

There are plenty of posts extolling the virtues of an ND5XS2 + nDac.
I have this and think it punches above its weight!