Dcs Varese

When I upgraded my NAIM ND555/555PSDR to a Rossini Apex, I did have a thorough audition of the Klimax DSM. It was paired with two Linn solo monobloks.

I really liked the Linn set-up but it was just too smooth and refined for me. The dCS was leagues ahead, with more drive and detail. I can see why people might prefer the Linn though; it’s all down to personal taste at the end of the day.


Yup the 800 monoblock . My demo was with that too and chord music cables

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It’s interesting with high high-end that not even them can decide on what a transparent and non colored signal is. I guess they all tune the product in some direction and that all talk about neutral not being in the way etc is just sales talk. In the end all products color the signal in some way. Which way you prefer is the question.

Hi All……
@glevethan, @mech, @Dunc, @naimophile, @Andyblain, @Blackbird,

Many thanks for your sharing responses,

I am feeling a bit more at home here now.

My journey with Naim (and also Linn) started in 2003 when I got a CD5 and Naim Nait 5 integrated feeding Linn Ninkas. When the Naim streaming products were first launched I got an ND5 XS and also a 1st gen Uniti Serve, which I still use. This was my first experience of poor reliability from Naim. The ND5 XS had to go back twice to be fixed (network intermittent performance on a wired! network connection). Eventually, I figured out what had happened: probably during assembly some very very small solder blob was floating around inside the case on the network part of the PCB, as it subsequently fell out when I decided to take a closer look myself!

Then the Nova product was launched. I ordered one …… and waited 10 months for the thing to finally released to preordered customers. Again, not good.

So eventually (circa 2018) I thought I should up the quality of my playback system from integrated, to separates, whilst also adding in surround sound as part of the upgrade. Everybody seemed to have high expectations for the anticipated? 500 series streamer.

Meanwhile I was occupied in choosing loudspeakers. Needed to trade in some items to help pay for the speakers, so out went the ND5 XS.

But then I needed a streamer and got a new ND5 XS2 which the dealer confirmed to buy back at no cost loss to me, when I eventually picked the streamer I wanted.

Again, it was another high level competition, dCS Vivaldi, vs Rossini, vs T+A vs ND555. Anyway, I am a ‘Less is More’ kind of person. So dCS Rossini was the winner……….

Until Linn brought out the Organik DAC, in one box with Space Optimisation 2019 variant.

That’s what I ended up with.

BTW, what room treatments do you use?

E.of E

I’m using GIK Acoustics Alpha series that both absorb and diffuse. It greatly improved the room acoustics and sound quality specifically in the mids/highs contributing to a more relaxed and controlled sound with less listening fatigue.

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Of course it’s expensive but you have to congratulate a company pushing the boundaries and heavily investing in R&d not so many are these days. This type of development leads to drop down designs for more affordable products looking forward to having a listen.


The factory vist the other day was simply superb.
We started of with a good 2 hour’s in the stunning listening room.
Comparing tracks played on the vivaldi stack and then varese stack.
Then had a lovely lunch with David (MD of dCS)
After that David actually showed us around the factory, looking into every departure, and telling us both all about, how, why, etc things are done.
But the quality in everything is just top notch.

We both came away with a new found respect for it all.
But looking at the huge investment dCS made into bringing the varese to market, 8 figures big. It was good to see how this had already improved the current line up, plus gave us the lina range. But more importantly to me a glimpse into what the future inpovements to my vivaldi and the rest of the range will be getting.
But a fantastic team and a great day out.


A Red Rose streamer ? Why, as the varese has already one?

That is the varese not red rose. Lol

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I looks like the RS 130


Very different.

There are many fascia screens choices in the RS 130.
But I believe you and see that the top is different.

Oh - the little brothers of what I heared ? Wonderful