Din to XLR 552/500 Super Lumina

Richieroo, it seems you like the SL DIN/XLRs but question the full price which is fair stance to take.

Have you thought about trying to track down a pre-loved set?

Yes one went a couple of days ago for £2150 - I still felt that for this money the improvement was not sufficient for me to say yes. I would probably get allot more bang for buck - by purchasing another 555ps and use 2 psu’s for my ND555 - this would probably be a far more satisfying upgrade. The reason for trying a dealer pre run-in set was to gauge the upgrade - I am fairly hard headed regarding upgrades - I had a figure in my mind - that I would be prepared to pay for the din to xlr SL - and that was no more than £1800 based on how my system responded. My view is regarding Super lumina - it is excellent as an interconnect from the source - and really good as a speaker cable. The pre to power effect seems far more subtle - it’s there but - for me it was a relatively small gain. If I get an incremental improvement using Mogami W2497 then that gap would be even closer…


Very sensible, and you have done the leg work to reach your conclusion.

Let us know how you get on with Mogami.


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