Does DR upgrade include recap?

Caps look like 2016, week 08 and 20 ?


Pictures on other places also show Kemet caps in XPSDR so I would assume it’s correct.



Kemet are used by Naim in some items.


Inside xps dr

Different caps than Kemet or same?

I think you are comparing an old XPS (small transformer olive case) with an XPS2, so not sure if a non-DR XPS2 would have had a one piece board, as there are no empty mounting holes on the base plate of the DRed XPS2 image that would have suggested that there had previously been a larger single board like the earlier olive XPS.

since you’re in Milano - years ago I had an XPS DR-ed by LASA in Piacenza, the official lab for Naim in Italy (that you surely know). He changed everything safe the transformer and, possibly, the rectifier. It was a complete (and costly) work. It then became DR. Mind you, though, that when I wanted to sell it some buyers were not enthusiast about the non ‘native’ regs. You may have issues getting your money back.

Naim only performed the DR upgrade on the Classic XPS (aka XPS-2), not the original olive version.
The DR upgrade involved the replacement of all the parts that might normally have been changed as part of a service.
When Naim announced that they would only do DR upgrades if the unit was serviced at the same time, at additional cost, they published a price list for the combined upgrade/service. The XPS was not listed on this pricelist, and people assumed that this was an accidental omission. Naim had to explain that the XPS wasn’t on the list because the service in addition to the DR upgrade wasn’t required because there was nothing left to service that wasn’t replaced as part of the upgrade.


Found the answer