DR upgrades

There’s something in the water today.

Obviously not a good single malt…. Dry January :joy:

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I have a feeling that when the DR upgrades were first announced, the cost was a smaller proportion of the new price, but may have misremembered. I had my HC “done” as soon as they became available. It was used with a SN1 at the time and its effect on the sound was as good as a box upgrade to my ears.


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Most people are… :smiley:

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If DR parts are difficult to source, does that imply that future servicing of DR models is compromised?

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Good point!

In the thread I linked above there was never any mention of servicing DR kit being a problem. Nor do I recall it coming up since. That’s no guarantee obviously. I doubt the relatively generic component types on the DR boards are likely to suffer the shortages/EOL issues like streaming boards, or CD mechanisms though. Other opinions are likely available

I too was disappointed to find my olive NAP 250s could not be upgraded a few years ago.

Maybe it was a case of boards designed for newer models wouldn’t fit or simply wouldn’t work due to spec changes but it does seem something of a missed opportunity.

Don’t be. The 250.2 and 250dr are, as said, totally different amps. So while most people say the DR is superior, an upgrade is literally like dropping in a new amp in your system on a blind punt. It may or may not work.

I found this out the hard way assuming a 250dr is going to be a 250 only better. I had very carefully chosen my whole system together. My speakers worked great with the 250.2. I got it DRed. It was not a good match at all to my ears. And I could not get used to it. A speaker change I had in the pipeline anyway then happened sometime after and harmony was fully restored. So when I look back at all the old shall I do the DR upgrade? threads and see replies like, “it’s so much better. Don’t think about it, just do it!” I can’t help but think that is terrible advice. It is a better amp, but it is also a different amp.

If the amp you have now works well with your speakers, don’t assume you are missing out.


I blame the full moon :full_moon_with_face: :full_moon:

I recall getting an email from Naim some time ago (years) that the DR upgrades were ending. It was sort of a last call notification, IIRC. I ignored it since I had already upgraded my 250-2 and HiCap2, and sold them off after upgrading to 252/SCDR/300DR. So I ignored the email and trashed it.

The other way of looking at it of course is that Naim weren’t trying to get ‘money for old rope’ where it wasn’t appropriate, perhaps unlike a certain turntable manufacturer who are happy to rebuild your turntable every few years with different components/different sound. Probably only the plinth and perspex cover I haven’t changed.

Not any more!

That’s a bit of a harsh response, I think people have the right to feel a bit disgruntled especially when you’ve brought several peace’s of equipment with the view of using the upgrade path at a later stage to improve the performance of your system. To be honest it sounds like a response from somebody that just maybe doesn’t have the kind of financial restraints as the people that support the purchase of their new equipment by the purchase of their cast offs
I think some sarcasm is completely expectable and understandable :joy:

The DR upgrade was never an option on olive kit so why feel disgruntled

It was only available on classic kit.

I had a 250 dr,and went back to a 250.2,which I much prefer,
The older amp is smoother,and not as bright.
Much nicer to my ears.


I share the same mixed experience with the DR.