DTC help


Having just replaced my laptop, I have had to reinstall DTC for my unitiserve, I downloaded it from the Naim site showing available downloads for their relevant kit etc.

I’m left scratching my head for the following reasons…

  1. When I open DTC, I get a message saying ’ The music server you have connected to us running a newer version of the system software’
    Not sure why as the US has just come back from Naim and us obviously up to date ???

  2. The picture quality of the DTC is poor on my laptop is poor. I.e. the text is far from sharp. It looked great on my very old version of DTC on my very old previous laptop?

  3. Under ‘Tools’ , ’ Settings & functions’ there used to be an option to select ’ true’ or ’ false’ next to parralel MP3 library. That doesn’t exist anymore, meaning that your snookered(if like me you want to disable it) .

  4. I’ve managed to locate the interface, and there is no option under any setting to turn off MP3 parallel library, nor bloody delete it, which is what I want to do.

ChrisSU, Thanks but my interface doesn’t give that option that you suggested.

What have Naim done to break it?


I’m wondering whether you have downloaded the right version of the DTC. I imagine your Unitiserve is now on version 1.7c? The DTC on Naim’s download page is for 1.7b. To be honest I forget now whether the DTC changed with 1.7c (Chris may remember although he uses Mac and n-serve for Mac didn’t change with the 1.7c update). If you phone Naim support they can send you a CD with the 1.7c upgrade on it and, I assume, the right DTC too.

Edit: This thread a while back confirms that the DTC changed for 1.7c and Naim support supply the new version if asked.


Hi Ray, I’ve just replied on your other thread. Why you are not able to delete your MP3s is a mystery. I find it hard to imagine that the browser interface would be any different on a PC that it is on a Mac.
Either way, I would recommend doing the 1.7c upgrade if you haven’t already


Ok, The US is defo on 1.7c
I’ll contact Naim soon re getting the updated DTC.

Thanks for your help/advice.



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