Ethernet cables - YOUR LISTENING Shooutout Summary

This is Amazon UK Drago :thinking: Shipped to me from the US with a two day time scale from payment to delivery

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Not sure if Richard will delete the link so look quickly :grinning:

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Yes I read your very good comprehensive review of several Ethernet cables with great interest back when Michael :+1:

Will look for it - you know, my heart is already uk (except on Friday - it will definitely be for Germany :blush:

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Good luck for that game. Looking strong along with Spain :+1:

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I ordered mine for Amazon US. They ship it including VAT. Just search for BJC CAT6.


I daisy chained ee8 and ansuz, made no improvement so I sold the ee8


I wonder whether the correlation between cost and effect on SQ of streaming cables may be 0.7, but your description makes it seem more like 0.85.

Iā€™ve no idea how the pricing and performance structure works for manufactures but I would have thought some cables will perform above their cost point and some below. I guess itā€™s down to the user how he/she determines their relative value but I see no reason why your assumption should be incorrect.

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Tried a few combinations - but ended up using just the Tempus Network Acoustics switch which had the best performance. What is worth experimenting though is a filter/good Ethernet cable between the ISP router and the switch.

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A bit all over the place tonight, as in not that great.
Switch back over to streaming, much better.
Midrange has disappeared tonight right now, and sounds horrible, hopefully it wonā€™t last long and i will be putting it on a big play list later tonight.

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@Dunc Wrong thread? Which cable do you refer to. Neotech?


Correct lol
Richard please move it

Youā€™ll get the balance back eventually. But before you reach quite a lot of hours it will go up and down in different not so good ways. It will sound unbalanced, stiff, lacking in reverb and airiness as well as tonality. It will sound as if the whole is divided up and so on and so forth. Good luck!

Havenā€™t played anything today or tonight. But i expect it to change

I got back from a long holiday yesterday, just in time for my PhoenixNet to arrive (yay).

Iā€™ve got one spare Powerline - will I get the best results with it on the PhoenixNet or my Uniti Core?

You are best placed to answer that.

Such beautiful tones coming out of my system this morning. I made the right decision going for Ansuz D2 Powerswitch and D2 Ethernet over PN and EE8+Farad3. This is something different and to my ears something better indeed. It sounds very balanced and real.


Put it on the PN :blush:

I thought Iā€™d have another shootout between the Neat and the Sigma as the wife is away again. I didnā€™t get to bed until the early hours as the system was sounding so damn good. Played a number of albumsā€¦

ā€¦to see if I can be a bit clearer on the key differences between the two cables. I donā€™t want to bore everyone by repeating what Iā€™ve already written about Sigma but it really does deliver the goods in a remarkable way. The three areas where I think it outguns anything else Iā€™ve heard is the naturalness, lack of digital nasties and sense of timing. The Neat is okay but still much like other ethernet cables Iā€™ve tried. Playing these (sometimes complex) albums just showed me how the Sigma was able to make complete sense of what the musicians were doing. The interplay, phrasing, pauses, little nuances and tensions created was a true performance that Iā€™d have paid money to go and hear. If I go back to the Neat on the same albums everything slips back a notch, the image reduces, bass becomes less clear, notes take on a very slight bloom, high frequencies with any dynamics take on that slight edginess and the music just doesnā€™t make as much sense or sound as real anymore. Itā€™s a bit like the musicians have lost their sense of timing a bit.

If I was going to be hypercritical of Sigma in any way shape or form Iā€™d say that it is ruthlessly revealing of poor recordings but this maybe the price you have to pay for the range and bandwidth it seems capable of revealing? On the good recordings I find it amazing and my new reference point!