Ethernet cables - YOUR LISTENING Shooutout Summary

Yep, I’m following the direction of the writing with the signal. Just curious, where does it tell you that in the Neotech paperwork as I don’t think I’ve seen it?

Interesting that not only is the NDS responding to the improvements but the 552 is easily allowing you to hear them!


I’d echo the comments about how sensitive the NDS is to Ethernet cable changes. My personal journey started with C-Stream, then to AQ Vodka and recently bought Shunyata Omega. Very noticeable improvement at each stage. Switch is EE8 with Farad3 (that was a ‘wow’ moment). The Omega was tripple-wow btw! Stunning cable.


Omega not going anywhere soon…

The Neotech is very good for its price and I like it, however it is very less “analogue” (as you would say) compared to the Omega.
It is detailed and clear (pristine comes to mind) but lacks the depth of reverberation and layering that the Omega brings.
In this song it is extremely evident:

But also in:

Here the drumstick hitting the outer side of the drum, with the Neotech it’s impactful and precise, but with the omega I can hear (feel) the wood of the drumstick minutely reverberating. The bass and piano too are more layered and enveloping.
Both are very good on timing and rhythm.

Just my impressions of course.


The song is good but as I am no jazz guy at all, where is the drum section? 1:38? :joy:
I know what you mean - there a clacking sound in the ultra speedy drum section of the song

Yes, roughly from 3:30 - 4:00

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There is a lot happening and a lot of micro detail reality in sigma too.
Analogue :blush:

Found it even more impressive at the end of the song where all comes together :blush:
But these are the tunes inside the music I was so happy to hear with sigma - if it is jazz, pop, acoustic or electro - all same kind of realism

You might not hear it with naca5 :smile: (gonna get smacked now…)

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That was too easy :rofl:

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In which position do you have SL and Music?

Without sigma you won’t even come near to it :rofl:

Music - IC
SL - Din-XLRs and on speakers

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Honestly - I am so not in jazz, that I would not have recognized that this is a wood stick hitting the side of the drum.
But in electronics I can tell the difference in every beep. And singer songwriter… as well.
Or is it the naca ? :joy:

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That’s an interesting take on it. If you have been playing in band and know exactly how a snare drum sounds like being close to it vs never having heard it. Do we have different references on what is good then? :blush:

I very much listen to the realism on such details on instruments having played in bands for many years playing drums, bass guitar, electric/acoustic guitar etc. And when that realism hits me like now with Ansuz it feels like I’m back in the rehearsal room. That’s what gets me going. And yes I’m a jazz fanatic :blush:


Don’t think that our references differ!
I have not played in a band - but it have listened a lot to live music - hand made, not electronic (but no jazz :joy:) Therefore I have my reference from how instruments sound - but as passive listener not active player.
So … I am passionate for being in the audience and you like to play yourself. Both love music in our ears - both from real instruments … not so different


With live are you referring to a PA system in a crowd or up close to say a drum kit like 1m from it?

Man do i miss being in a rehearsal room surrounded by live instruments. So difficult to replicate with a music system.


Funny you say that about the drumsticks. I noticed the same with Sigma. You could hear the clack of the wood against wood. With the Neotech it was more like plastic sticks as they lost the dynamic clack. Analogue really is the key word with Sigma. The other thing I love is the layering. It’s like listening to a 24 track tape player where every instrument on every track has its own individual dynamics that you can easily follow. Other ethernet cables just smear them together.


I am not telling the full truth - I listen to a lot of let’s say jazz-light. Ambient jazz (like now) … and I hear the wooden sticks … :rofl:

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I believe a lot in that is decay and ability to let the instruments breath. It’s difficult to explain but when you hear it it’s is very addictive :blush:

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