Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

I have a question. There are a lot of comparisons between Ethernet cables AQ, Chord and a few others. But Vertere? Myself I use one. Anyone tested it against other Ethernet cables?
I bought my 3 years ago as an open purchase. I liked what I heard so it stayed but did not have the possibility to compare as some of you can do. So any thoughts of the Vertere Ethernet cable?

:small_blue_diamond:@anon35279323,…Interesting question,.I have Vertere’s D-Fi usb-cable (see picture) and it is very good.

Many of Vertere’s products get very good reviews,.but their cables are not sold in so many places in Sweden.
I think Hifi-Art in Stockholm is the distributor in Sweden.

Gunnar,.do you have a picture on your cable.?


Hi Simon, it might be worth questioning (again) why Naim don’t offer any form of Naim branded ethernet cable. They do so with 2 levels of speaker cable, 3 levels of IC plus various other IC types & 2 levels of power cable, so offering their own speciality cable is not something alien to them. .
Also noting the ethernet in the (old) listing room was Cat-Nothing Special

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Here it is. The Vertere is between the Melco and the ND555. I have a Chord Epic between the Cisco and the Melco.

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This is so far the craziest thread ever…

SQ improvements with 5000$ switch and the Uber expensive Ethernet cables and last but one of the best ever “Uber expensive power cable on a switch”

NASA has a cheaper IT setup…

Common how can power cable on the switch can effect the SQ?

If somebody outside this hobby reads these thread may lable all of us with offensive words

By the way I own both Cisco and AQ diamond but need to upgrade my power cables to it:))))

It is nice to be part of this crazy community


you have already your hdplex, so a good thing. I see however an imput for an additional clock. It will be tempting after also to add that.
I read on Audio Bacon a review on the benefit of adding an additional clock on the sothm switch. The reviewer seems to be objective.

i had tried a kharma powercable ( around 400 euros) and it gave the sound of the cisco a bit more refined. But not a huge step.

are you satisfied with your diamond? what was the cable before it?

I agree. It’s really nice to be part of this community. Any downside? Maybe all “temptations” which sometimes becomes more than a “temptation”.


@frenchrooster it was a AQ cinnamon… to be frankly I don’t know:)

You guys hype me and end up buying things:)

Mike that’s because the effect digital cables have on a system (particularly USB & Ethernet cables) depends on the devices at each end and the electrical environment in which they are used; so it’s impossible to recommend any one cable for all situations.

Great for internet discussions and snake oil salesmen, but not so good for companies who rely on good engineering practice.

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Don’t bother with buying expensive cables, just because ??? works in @Xxx’s or @Yyy’s system means nothing to how it will work in yours.

A better approach is to get a shed load of Cat5 and Cat6 patch cords and just try them (for the price of 1m Chord Music you could buy 1000 general purpose Ethernet patch cords and a few clip on ferrites). If you try a dozen cables or so, the likelihood is that one of these combinations will out perform the Chord Music!


Indeed Xanthe, I’ve confirmed more or less the same with my own listening experiments that involved different system brands, & I expect much the same/similar answer from Simon.
As with most of my posts on this subject, it contains a hint of mischief & is simply me trying to add some form of sanity without upsetting some - lets say easily offended - people.


and the same bla-bla-bla will begin, as always…

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Exactly the salesman’s mantra that more expensive and more complicated must be better!

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i have stopped answering since a long time…my ears are the response.


I am a Salesman so sucker for my own tune:)

A Nice patch of BJC wii do the job but I end up with a Diamond!

“What if” makes me spend on the hype

But no way I am going to spend 5000$ on a switch!

What would be fun is to blind test all the forum members with these cables:) including me

Don’t want to sound like making fun of people, as I am one of the people as well…


Mike, it is a good question, and given the noise shaping properties of such cabling it does indeed seem a natural thing to do…
Perhaps one to ask when or if some us meet up again at the factory.


Mine too, I just want to know why, why the same cable has a different response between different models & brands, & what it is people hear with exotic cables that I (& others) do not.

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without offense, perhaps your age? you said once that you are nearly 77 years old. Did you hear details more accurately 30 years ago?
Just a thinking…