Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Mike, I think the question is better phrased the other way: it’s not the cable that responds differently according to the brands and models of equipment attached, it’s the equipment that responds differently to the noise that’s shaped differently by the different cables.

Another factor in this is that the cable also picks up and shapes environmental noise (btw, this is also true of shielded cables even if the shield were to be 100% effective - the shield picks up the environmental noise and conducts this to the casework which transmits it to the electronics via coupling effects).

Also you need to take into account how electrical coupling works within the connected devices. Coupling isn’t an even effect at all frequencies, it itself is a form of noise shaping where coupling occurs most strongly at the resonant frequencies and not at all at the nulls, so you end up with a very large number of additive and subtractive comb filters forming a very complex (and effectively unpredictable) result.

Finally as Simon point out, all this then interacts with the noise shaping internal to the streaming / DAC device itself.

I think there’s very little chance of being able to predict the results of any combination, even in an electrically quiet environment; add in the variability of environmental electrical noise and…

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No offence taken, but you are pushing your luck (I joke), & no I’m not 77 for another few years
My hearing is good, I had it very thoroughly tested about 2 years ago as part as a whole body examination & was told it was exceptional for my age as I can hear to the 14/16kHz region at specific volumes.
I know I have very good spacial awareness & I can differentiate low level nuance subtleties & do so all the time with my other interests


i wish to be like you in 20 years…:pray:

No chance, Mike is unique… a one off! :rofl:

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AWESOME - I doubt the Chord Music will leave your home.
It is good to see even top end Naim systems can be helped to reveal even more.

You forgot to mention all those expensive looking Ansuz cables …

Ooh, I don’t know… I’m sure someone can bring out an even more expensive cable.

:small_blue_diamond:@emrei,…I agree :grin::joy:,.but we all have different experiences and knowledge.

So it is nice that everyone,.with no exception so far,.shows respect for each other’s experiences.

• Emrei,.maybe I’ll make you interested for an even more expensive powercable to your Cisco switch…:joy:.

This cable in the picture that sits in my Cableoholic-friend’s tube-amp costs “only” £7100:- in Sweden.

Maybe something for you in this crazy world of Hifi :grin::joy::grin:.

Do not comment on his cabledressing,.this is an older image.
I have helped him with this now.


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IMO the age thing in hearing is overblown. It’s more about training, and knowing what one is listening for. Most young people just listen to music to get the party started right - I know, I was one of those for many years. Isolation was a coaster that went between your beer and somebody else’s nice table. Now that I’m older (55) and even with compromised hearing (tinnitus mostly) I’m much more attuned to the sound itself and how that translates via a nice setup.


OK: Simon knows why, but it’s over my head and I forget the science as soon as I read it, perhaps because you still need to listen to the stuff before you can form an opinion and it’s the sound that interests me.

You’ve been magnificently helpful about so much of this, Simon, and your knowledgeable input has been much appreciated by many including myself - as has your patience and good humour


Very interesting topic … I would like those who are expert to describe the characteristics of the ethernet cables and the differences between them, above all of expensive brands … Let’s say from 50 € upwards

For my final ethernet cable I use a Ghent Audio, Cat 6a Belden 1303 with JSSG shielding (copper sleeve shielding and separated ground wire that aren’t connected to either end but soldered to the shielding) and the Metz connectors. Very nice, neutral, and not expensive ($80 for one meter). Like an anaconda though so be mindful of how it will be positioned. A good option imo that strikes a nice balance between the likes of basic BJC and the astronomically priced Chord Music.

My experience with ethernet cables is the price is no guarantee that I will never work in my system. The top performer so far continues to be the comparatively cheap Designcable premium Belden catsnake cable.

Where mains cables are concerned the Powerline definitely improved things vs stock Cisco cables, but the much cheaper Custom Hifi Cables Powerblack worked better for a fraction of the price. It’s also preferable on the ND555 to my ears.

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If they actually are Ethernet cables they will comply with one or more sections of ANSI/TIA/EIA-568.
Here are a couple of examples of the characteristics necessary…

A new one, Bone N8 switch. 700 euros with linear ps ( optional)

I do’t know what you think the components mounted on the small PCB are, if you think its a LPSU, err no its not. The silver component is a TCXO (temperature compensated oscillator) the other two are capacitors

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i didn’t said it was a ps…

Michael… I was only pulling your leg :wink:

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So what do you think it’s supposed to be then,

I just ordered another set of BJC cat6 patch cables in KTM orange just so I can experience some cable mania. :smiley:


BJC is not a mania… good quality with a good price

500$ per meter where the mania starts