Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

I second it. When I compared an £80 AQ cinnamon to my £8 BJC belden I found there to be no substantial change worth the 10x price.


For those in the UK, one U.K. source and manufacturer of high quality patch lads… again where each lead is tested for compliance is from Connectix Cabling Systems…
These are targeted as high performance industrial cables (rather than consumer audiophiles) and available from RS and elsewhere… For Cat 6 S-FTP a bit pricey at £5.10 + VAT for a metre patch lead… but could be worth it.

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Me too Mike, another 20 years and I’ll catch up with you too.:wink:


Thanks, to connect the Airport to the modem I ordered a Melco ethernet cable … I hope …

Andrea - i seem to recall you use the Wireless connection on your streamer so i’m not sure that adding an audiophile Ethernet cable between the Modem and Airport will make any difference.

From The Chord Company website:

“To some in the IT community this raises blood pressure. At the Bristol Hi-fi show this year we demonstrated the differences to sound quality that our range of streaming cables made. One of the people sitting in on a demonstration claimed at the outset that the cables could make no audible difference. He then accused us of changing from MP3 to high resolution files. We didn’t – all the music we played was on FLAC files ripped from CDs.”

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Yet from my dealer doing the same identical proof of differences we have heard and also in my house because I tried it for 15 minutes …

But you use wireless with your ND5 ?

Now, yes

Ok then i’d not hold out much hope of the Melco cable making a difference. If it was a wired connection then possibly, but via wireless i’d be extremely surprised.

i didn’t know honestly. Was waiting some comments, so thanks you Mike.

Interesting how the thread about some accessories…, expensive ones I have to admit…, are discussed in such an engaging way. Now with having the Chord Music longer in my system I can better appreciate what it does to my system. More focus, improved timing, less distraction and very musical. The real test is when I again disconnect it tomorrow and listen to the Vodka again.

It still doesn’t tell me anything about how the Audioquest Diamond would compare to it, and if the difference would be significant enough. I am not clear on the decision yet, but will give it a bit more time. While I understand this could be well regarded as the best…

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Just A Teaser…

• Entreq Atlantis Powercable.

:small_blue_diamond:An explanation of the picture coming later,.is on the way home after a very exciting and interesting evening with cheerful Hifi-friends.

@BertBird,.We have begun to test AQ Diamond 0,75cm against 1,5m.
Report will be later.

The image is dedicated to @emrei :grin::joy:.



Hi TM. I’m not convinced the ability to hear the highest frequencies is required to hear nuances of sound changes/differences in cables & such like, & 12kHz is well into the ‘brilliance’ part of the audio spectrum, so you’re not missing a lot.
Maybe its what people report that they hear when describing the differences in cables, maybe I’m not ‘tuned in’ to this stuff, who knows. I do hear differences in all manner of cables, even mains cables, but ‘amazing’, ‘night & day’, not what I would describe.
I know what I can do & people are surprised at my ability to hear things outside music, & I can pinpoint the guy who’s slightly flat in a full orchestra. As far as I’m concerned I know & am confident in what I hear.

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Actually that is really of questionable merit. Engineers in the IT industry who work with EMC know exactly how cabling can act to form differeing sort of RF loads and effect the noise ground of connected equipment.
It’s nothing about TCP/IP, but traditional EMC engineering and analogue RF electronics. I have posted many engineering papers on the matter.
It perhaps concerns me that Chord Cables dont recognise this…perhaps they don’t really understand what they are dealing with.

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so if they don’t really understand with what they are dealing, how explain that a lot of people found their cables more musical, even much more, vs not expensive ethernet cables?

It’s a double bluff.
They must have been cheating.
How could a mere cable possibly change the sound of a hifi system!?

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That’s totally bonkers, but great fun.
When you think of the rubbish things humans do, this is a good way to pass ones time I think :thinking:.

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Easy… no real correlation between cause and effect… simples.
Coming up with such a statement from them is disingenuous, or based on naivety… not sure which is worse.

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so they produced the cables without knowing what they do really and had the chance to succeed. Lucky guys !