Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Welcome to the world of boutique cables…
But one thing is for sure, as long as people buy them, it’s a valid business model.


Chord cables are like french high cookers. They don’t know what they really put inside but the dishes tasted specially good.

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Which can and sometimes cannot be true, its all about how the cables fit in your system whether cheap or expensive, it could be a matter of pure luck.
I bought a Kimber PK14 power cable branded as an RA powermax plus and it improved te SQ from my Nait 5i-2 better than the power cable it came with.
It was the cheapest RA cable in the range.
The PK14 Kimber cable is now much, much more expensive as it cost me approx 30.00 6 years ago

Belden make superb vfm cables, their canare co-ax cable at 20.00 is a supreme performer in my dac from my freesat/blue-ray player.

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It looks like a double digestive buscuit, does it taste any better? Or sound any better?

it’s the grounding little wood box . A speciality of Entreq.

Its one thing i do reccommend using any form of signal grounding prederably to a roundign box if possible for best results, you can make your own.

If you read my posts a little further up you’ll find that is exactly what I’m saying. In respect of Ethernet cables, in any given system, a cheap cable may outperform an expensive cable or the expensive cable may outperform the cheap cable - either outcome is equally likely. For Ethernet cables, in any particular system there’s no correlation between sound quality and cost.

This is because the cable ‘tunes’ the noise characteristics of the devices to which it is attached in ways that are essentially unpredictable and could either be beneficial or be detrimental (in signal engineering this tuning is referred to as ‘noise shaping’). The manufacturers of the equipment can’t predict what will happen with a specific cable in all circumstances, neither can the cable manufacturers.

The cable manufacturers know how their Ethernet / ‘Streaming’ cable acts as an RF load or pickup, but can’t predict how this will affect the equipment to which it is connected.


Hi Xanthe
That makes complete sense.
One speculation I’d add to that is that if one wanted to take a sample of different cables to test in a system, it would ideally include expensive ones as well as cheap ones - as you did on your test.
The silver plating and gold contacts and metal plugs and posh dialectics and other materials would typically add to the array of electrical patterns created by the set of cables and thus extend the range of eff3cts on SQ.

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On the other hand BJC state their cables sound the same. I have thried their Cat5e and Cat6, defintely preferring the latter. I haven’t tried their Cat6a, but the Designcable Belden CatSnake broadcast-quality patch cable sounds better than either their 5e or 6.

They are excellent choice for sure, the sound I don’t know but I started to feel like sponsoring all mambo Jambo audiophile IT tech with Uber expensive stuff…

So BJC makes lots of sense

@Peder excat same that I have on my espresso machine as well😃 power is important!

Enjoy it

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:small_blue_diamond:@emrei,…:grin::joy::grin: I must try it,.no limits can be found for the best experiences :wink:.

But I wrote the wrong price on this powercable,.Entreq Atlantis.
In UK and Europe it costs £8100:-…not £7100:-.
Almost free in other words.

• But everything is cheaper in the country the product is manufactured in.
ND555 is £1400:- cheaper in UK than in Sweden.

But as I wrote earlier,.we had a hifi-meeting yesterday afternoon/evening.
There we tested some different things,.in one of the tests,these three products below were involved…

• Entreq Atlantis.

• Jorma Design Duality with Oyaide P/C 004.

• Oyaide M1/F1.

:rose: Goosebumps,…I got actually Goosebumps at one of the tests of these products,.it is not often nowadays.
I have to just get some inspiration to write about it.

I say as Arnold,.I’ll Be Back😁.

:red_circle: Ps: If you look at the top-picture,.Entreq Atlantis.
So about 30cm behind the lower connector (not the IEC-contact).
Then you will see the socket for the cord that should go to the “Earth-box”.
“The Earth-box” is not in the picture,.I forgot it… Excuse me.


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@Peder I am very interested into your results. I have ended my review of the Chord Music. And I am not yet decided onto my next step. Yes I was quite pleased what happened with the Chord Music in my system. Musical flow, timing, more accuracy … But at the price I still need to let it sink in and would actually be interested to also hear the Vodka Diamond in my system.
What of course also might happen later this week that I start to realize what I am missing in my system and still make a quick buy…Let’s see how things develop.


I’ve had some conversations with the BJC folks and I find it odd they would make such a claim about their data cables. Are you getting this from their website?

A very successful dedicated cable company that puts all of it’s eggs in one basket doesn’t know what they are doing? really? This place is NUTS.


:small_blue_diamond:@Michaelb,…One question,.Blue Jeans Cable is well no cable that is designed especially for the best soundquality in a music-system.?

So,.in any case,I have perceived it.


here a scientist in the Chord lab


No: emails with tech. support. But I think they may say something similar in one of the blog articles. They definitely subscribe to the data only theory and not to noise shaping.

Not sure I understand the question. If you mean that they don’t claim their cables are designed to work in Audio systems, that’s not entirely true, but as far as Ethernet cables they are generally concerned with the cables complying with specs and the benefits and potential disadvantages of shielding in different situations.