Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Show us your earth box and,
how much was it?
You can actually make a diy one from an empty cigar box! With a few materials and a little know how.
Ive seen the price of them and they cost thousands!

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I used to love fancy cables, pretty much owned or demoā€™d the whole spectrum price and crazy claims wise, but now with the Audiophilleo setup direct and no cable it is all redundant, itā€™s funny Audiophilleo top end version comes with a virtual cable function so you can introduce noise of sorts if you like playing with cables.

All that said the Chord Music was a revelation but at an eye watering cost, but the Synergistic Research ethernet cat5a compliant and the itā€™s own ground wire was better in a number of ways at a 3rd of the price, that said the top end Synergistic Research ethernet cable makes the Chord Music seem cheap.

Sure and I agree with you to a certain degree but on the same token marketing is simply not enough with expensive things. They have to perform or they will simply grow a bad reputation and go out of business, fast. Plus, the competition is fierce, very fierce, so to stand out from the crowd one really needs to know what theyā€™re doing and not just from a business sense. They have to recognise why they are there to begin with.


Ah, I see what you were interested in now!

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:small_blue_diamond:@TiberioMagadino,ā€¦Strong opinions.!

ā€¢ What other cables have you compared,.and tested against these Canare-cables.??

ā€¢ Most cable manufacturers in high-end cables to music-systems,.are in my opinion very serious.
They,.like Naim and others,are devoted fanatics who want to create the best product ever.

This we must also have respect for,.I think the word ā€œBoutique-cablesā€ is arrogant,and a way of disparaging their products and work.

This is not addressed to you,.but I mention it in general.

ā€¢ Studio quality cables,.are absolutely no guarantee that they work in high-end music-
It may be just the opposite.

I have worked a lot in music studios and with Live PA-Events.

ā€¢ It has the Swedish cable-manufacturer Supra done as well.
But there are no cables I would consider putting into my music-system,.even though I knew Tommy (Owner) personally before he unfortunately passed away.

Supra makes good cables up to a certain level,.according to me.
But for me,.No thanks.

:small_blue_diamond:TiberioMagadino,.said with respect.

I have a little hard to form an idea of how to evaluate what you write.
I donā€™t really get the picture together.

You often write,.that you do not hear the difference between different products.
Including ethernet-cables,switches,powercables,.etc,etc,etc.
At the same time,.you write that you have ā€œgoodā€ hearing and can,according to a test pick out details etc.
You do not install your music-system yourself,.and thus get max out 75-80% of the systems capacityā€¦If the trader is really knowledgeable.

At the same time,.you have very strong opinions in your recommendations.
You may understand that I find it difficult to put your opinions into perspectivešŸ˜‰,and draw conclusions from what you recommend.
At the same time,.you dismiss our ā€œgroupā€ all the time,as an Audiophile-group,.which you absolutely should not bother to listen to.

Again,.strong opinions,an Audiophile-group is absolutely the least we are.

Out of respect for you,.I will at the occasion when I have time,tell you a little bit about our ā€œgroupā€.
Then perhaps,.it will be easier for you to understand our conclusions and recommendations.

This said with respect,.and to make it easier to evaluate your recommendations.



According to U.K. government Companies House records, the Chord Company is a ā€˜non specialised wholesale tradingā€™ companyā€¦ which normally means the company sources or buys in and then resales on a wholesale basisā€¦ so that suggests they are not a manufacturer.

Chord Electronics on the other hand is listed as ā€˜a manufacturer of consumer electronicsā€™, as is Naim Audio.

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Not really looking for corporate info just the name of the co-ax cable i purchased happened to have a canare in the title. In effect it is a Belden Canare as it has both a Belden cable and a Canare connector although not officially a joint company venture.

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There is a later style of Cisco switch which also has some improvements over the earlier brown onesā€¦same series number (2960) but there are a number of variants. The ā€˜Liteā€™ version is very straightforwards to use. I have a pair of these with two Fibre Optic modules and a fibre optic link between them, so the second one, which is connected to my system, is galvanically isolated from all the computers, printers, mobiles, etc in our house. I have added some RF shielding to every IC and processor in the switch, and around the power supply, and I have added mass damping to the top and bottom panels as well.

I have two Audioquest Diamond cables with the 72volt DBS system. GREAT cables.

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:small_blue_diamond:@vintageaxeman,ā€¦But the most important,.did you experienced any marked soundquality raise.?


YES. I am SURE of it.

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Having been a fully paid up member of the 2960 club Iā€™ve just tried the SOtM with internal clock following an upgrade from NDS to ND555. A Really worthtwhile increase in SQ but given the higher price lacks the bang for buck of the CISCO.

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Thanks Irvose, potentially an interesting update and more affordable than a Chord Music cable.

Hey Bigboy, interesting system you have. Nds/555dr/ dave/mscalerā€¦
I see the Allegri plus. Did you heard the new Allegri reference?


Why this petty personal vendetta? As Iā€™m sure you well know, there is no specific SIC code relating to hi-fi cables but there is one for manufacturers of electronic equipment. Your insinuation is therefore misleading and inaccurate.

I think youā€™ll find that the vast majority of Chordā€™s products, and indeed sales by volume, are at a very much more modest level - less than Ā£20 a metre - so why this continued attack on a company which also happens to try to push the boundaries? Why not celebrate the fact rather than make snide comments?


i am even quite sure that Simon had never heard to Chord Music, as Xanthe or Tiberio.

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There are detailed videos on YouTube of the workers hand making cables at Chord.

Watch and you shall learn.

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Looks like they have a new model called the enigma but I have not tried it. Itā€™s a lot more expensive than the allegri+ so probably not a good idea to try it in case it improves my NDS even more than the allegri.

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new allegri reference

Townshend Audio
is premiering at the XFI Premium Audio Show The ultra-high performance, remote controlled pre-amplifier. Building on the ā€œgiant-killingā€ Townshend ALLEGRI+ control unit, the Allegri Reference features an unprecedented 129 step volume control. The attenuation range from 0dB to ā€“72.7dB, in 0.5dB steps. Visit us at uw Hifi Choice by RMR Soundsystems.

(I have the same version of the switch.)

Did the fibre optic barriers effect SQ?
What fibre optic modules are they?
Did the mods to the psu In the switch audibly reduce noise?