Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

I can only report on what I heard and maybe you’re right, however the ChordMusic also “suffered” from the same thing. Neither had the chance to settle and there were several cable changes throughout the evening.

And Ray, I’m in agreement. The price is huge but I’m just reporting on what I heard, pretending it wasn’t so would do everyone a disservice.

Should anyone be in the very fortunate position to be able to afford a Dave, ND555 or KDSM then the price of a cable may not be as much of an issue and should of course be considered in comparison to a box upgrade or addition.


Dave, but remember the ND555 (along with the ND5XS2 and NDX2) is designed to be largely independent of Ethernet cables per se at an Ethernet level so you might find the RF loading effects of different cabling could extend to mains leads, interconnects and automation leads, as well as a patch lead, which might also provide a worthwhile alternative for noise shaping.

Lots of different options for noise shaping, and of course this will vary from implementation to implementation.

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I can easily understand that Music is better vs the Diamond, as it costs 7 times the price of the later.
However finding that the diamond sounds weird, not musical, dreadful is absurd or the diamond was damaged. Or the dealer knows perfectly how to sell what is most expensive.
Something very weird and strange in your conclusions, sorry to say.


That may be a bit presumptuous. Can you support it with facts? What are the materials costs, R&D, marketing, dealer margins?

Hi Dave I was referring to labour costs alone in manufacturing time… I was told how many man hours it took to construct a 252 NAC for example on the construction bench … I can’t remember exactly… but it was a few hours I seem to remember by a highly trained technician… and that excluded all the hours of component testing and matching that takes place prior to this.

Cable extrusion and construction in my experience is nearly always done using a mechanised construction jig,

Margins, overheads, sales and marketing and development costs are indeed separate to manufacturing Construction costs

A 252 being hand built and soldered, and I had the pleasure of talking to the technician building it…


Not at a dealer, FR, this was an at home session. I appreciate what you say, but that’s simply what I heard.

My comments were based on a comparison and in isolation I’m sure it would have fared better.

:small_blue_diamond:Generally speaking,.I think the prices of some cables are insane.

But I felt Jorma at Jorma Design personally before he died of cancer,.so I know how much he had to work with his cables to “stay on top”.
But my Cableoholic-friend’s most expensive powercable costs £7100:-,.unbelievable.

Though,.I must say that when you plug in that powercable,it’s like a box-upgrade.
Unfortunately,.it’s just to admit…so is it.


apart the indigo, signature and music, all from Chord, have you heard other ethernet cables?
i have heard meicord, hanna german cat 7, unknown cat 5e, melco, audioquest forrest, vodka and diamond.
The diamond was the most musical and enjoyable. For me there are 2 most important aspects in the music: the rythm and the naturalness of the sound. I can easily detect if a system or component lacks the prat i need. The Diamond doesn’t absolutely lack this.

Yes I have.

I used Meicord throughout, which were great value, before moving on to C-stream downstream and Indigo (Melco to KDS). I tried AQ Vodka and Cinnamon, which were OK but didn’t inspire me to change, although I would happily have done so.

For me it’s entirely about how musical something is. Nothing more.

Should add that I’ve used Melco and a vast array of Cat5 and 6 cables.

Absolutely. But for me, there are many ideas and suggestions that sound worthy of further investigation that disappear into a puff of smoke as soon as I look at the price ticket. :joy::joy:

so the Vodka was ok but the diamond, next after the vodka in audioquest range, was weird and dreadful and not musical?
it’s not logical, sorry.

Fair enough. But to put things into context, the Vodka was years ago and was not in comparison to Music, I was using Meicord at the time.

Several years on and I’ve now had the opportunity to hear Diamond. I didn’t intend my comments to be a personal criticism of your choice, merely a comparison of cables.

Bertbird is comparing audioquest vodka with chord music and he finds the differences minimal, however in favor of the chord.
We are some here to have found the diamond more musical vs the vodka.
Your setup is however different, being not an nds or nd555. But on the past linn forum, i remember a lot of users very happy with the diamond and their klimax streamer.
I would be very curious to listen to the music, but no dealer in France have it unfortunately.

The diamond is $1k for less than a meter. Crazy stuff. I just can’t accept that type of spending is required to get a high end streamer sounding good, the data delivery should be fine in a good quality home network. Or go wireless :joy::joy:

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Just to clarify, the system last night wasn’t mine, it was NDS/Dave/Mscaler, 552DR, 500DR, Fact 12.

:small_blue_diamond:As I wrote,.it can distinguish a lot between different systems.
As well,.in my previous example it may sound significantly better after 24 hours.

And,.my Cableoholic-friend bought a Diamond after hearing mine in his system.
And his most expensive ehternet-cable is located in Chord Music’s price level.
Different things can be important,.so do not take this personal Frenchrooster.

Dave, the fact that neither cable had the chance to settle, doesn’t mean the effect was equal between the 3 cables you compared, nor that Diamond was reaching its full potential.
It’s quite possible that the chord music cable was settled in better than the Diamond cable.
I’ve known some cables of various functions and brands that were nearly 100% from the first moment - e.g. my 2 brand new BJC ethernet cables - and other cables that take much longer to settle in.

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:small_blue_diamond:@JimDog,…We wrote about the same thing.

My experience with AQ Vodka,.is that it needs at least 5-6 days to “settle” in the system.
The same with the Cisco 2960-switch.
At my AQ Diamond, I can not give any exact task today.

• As an example:
With our powercable-tests as we are doing now.
There are major differences already after two days (48 hours) in the system.
And every powercable is “burn-in” in 250 hours before the tests start.


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the music is 5k for 1 meter…near the price of the ndx2…

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I’ll need 2 then, one for each system.

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