Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

don’t forget two Anzus switch, with the 4 chord music ( 1 to the streamer and 1 to the nas/ server). Total: 25k.

If the cable doesn’t meet spec, which many apparently don’t, audio quality becomes irrelevant.

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a lot of components measure bad but sound very fine. And the contrary also.

Fortunately mu Unitit2 is wireless, so that saves another $10K!


i think that’s the same with power. You could say that a good power amp should not need an expensive power cord.
Good switch and ethernet cables are improving the network as good powerblocks improve the power.

:small_blue_diamond:Echolane,…Read the rest of mine post as you comment to,.and also Dave’s post,then you have the answer to your post.


Absolutely, and on the same basis, neither might the Music.

Yes, a week or two down the road and the picture might be very different - or exactly the same!

I might unplug my two systems and go wireless as a free upgrade and save $20K! Bonus money for another black box.


Hold on there: are you using audiophile air for your wireless? An audiophile group who live near me tested different kinds of air and found a boutique air purifier gave an amazing uplift in sound quality when fitted with a £5k power lead: an afternoon and night difference. Resistance is futile.

Phonosophie, the company that made the excellent TT naim’s JV used, released a device that charged the air in the room.


if wireless was better sounding, nobody would buy expensive switches and ethernet cables. Or a lot of audiophiles are stupid and prefer to throw away their money or believe in snake oil. I don’t think so.

Given that a Tidal stream travels thousands of kms to get to my streamer through who knows what types of cables and junctions etc, I’m not sure a $5K cable for the last 0.75m is going to do much.


We have very nice air in NZ fortunately.

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:small_blue_diamond:@JimDog,…When I bought my Cisco 2960 three years ago,.I started with a standard powercable.

After a few months I put a Chord C-Power that I had in my Cisco,.it was a little better,not so much difference…but a little better.

Two years later I put this cable below on my Cisco…

• Jorma Design Duality with Oyaide P/C 004 connectors.

Now things happened,.the soundquality was increased on all parameters…the musical flow,timing and dynamic was clearly better.

Two months ago I listen to this powercable…

• Acoustic Revive with Acrolink P/C connectors.

It didn’t become good,.the soundquality had no feeling and the musical flow was broken.

I also tried this cable in my Cisco…

• Entreq Challenger SII with Furutech FI-E50 NCF connectors.

That cable raised the musical parameters an additional level in relation to the Jorma Design Duality cable.
But it also costs in Sweden £ 2885:-, so it’s maybe a little too much to have in a Cisco 2960.
But it was really good :stuck_out_tongue:.


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Interestingly that Ansuz powerswitch is mentioned here. I was at an Ansuz demo a few days ago, ending with the powerswitch, however as Ansuz says start with the foundation and that is power! So if I was considering Ansuz switch because I like what it does I would forget it and look at power cables and distribution first. I have been to a few Ansuz demos and often find that one of the biggest SQ jumps is when you get a few models up in the power distribution boxes.

Because Mike, as we have said several times this has nothing to do with data, Ethernet, home networks or the internet, these cables are all about acting as noise shapers to the the equipment they are connected to , a bit like an antenna, as well as conducting any common mode electrical noise from connected equipment.


Ah, thanks for the succinct summary, makes more sense now.

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Are there filters then similar to power ones, to block this noise shaping? Or are the new streamers designed to do that?

You are welcome, and because it’s mostly about noise shaping, a certain degree of variability is to be expected, and one might find later Naim firmware quite changes the effect of a particular cable.
You see, noise shaping is also used by Naim when they finalise the firmware and ‘tune it’. Essentially here the timing of the specific execution of operands is changed to suit the end sound by changing the processing noise profile.