Favourite sleeping position

Depends on your weight :smile:

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I wonder why would we need to go to all those lengths to prep food if it’s ultimately going to go through all this gory process :smile:

I guess we are going towards food and need to get on topic- sleep :sleeping_bed::sleeping:

I use shutters in the bedrooms to limit light ingress; I prefer the room to be as dark as possible. As for my sleeping position I prefer my right side, but my dog has the choice of sides so I am sometimes forced onto my left or my back. When my dear lady is visiting the choices are fewer as I am forced to the edge of the bed.
I avoid sleeping in chairs, except for the chaise longue, but still prefer the bed if I want a snooze during day time.
My cottage runs approximately North South, so the north bedroom is the coolest in summer, but warmest in winter. But I use the south bedroom most in the summer until it becomes too hot.

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[quote=“Alley_Cat, post:9, topic:8915, full:true”]
It may have been suggesting left side for other reasons such as slowing gastric emptying to allow gastric digestion to be more complete, but none of it’s the whole story as the stomach will knead it’s contents and release when ready to some extent.

If however you do suffer from reflux (curries arghhhh!) or oesophagitis right side is probably better.
[/quote] I disagree. Having taken NSAIDs for too long and now saddled with chronic gastritis, I was told by my consultant to sleep on my left side, and he’s right - it’s only comfortable that way.

I’ve always been an early bird, so is my wife, so we go to bed when it gets dark & get up at first light, currently 9.30pm to about 4.30am. Best time of the day! We leave the curtains open.


Thank you for the ‘appropriate’ use of the last word of your sentence, on this Forum. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


Whatever works I guess Tony, we’re all different.

I tend to eat quite late in the evening being a night bird, so for me right always seems better as I suspect my stomach has often not emptied when I go to sleep - eating late is a habit I really need to get out of, but we do seem to fall into early bird/late night types with Mrs AC being the early riser.

I have very vivid dreams that I can recal many years after, so I was wondering if laying either right or left has some influence.
Right for fright nightmares and waking up in a feverish sweat.
Left for loved up niceness and waking up with sticky pants.
So I asked my yogi master, and was told that it makes no difference.
Indeed. Many times I have woken disorientated thinking I was lying left but was lying right.

Or lying through your teeth :smile:


But seriously…I do recall dreams but strangely they pop back into memory when I near a similar scenario or situation or weather…

It’s sometimes scary

Sleep facing north (according to Feng Shui or Vastu Shastra).

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The fengistas used to read text right to left ?
We usually read left to right, so facing south would be more natural in the shui.
Most domestic shrines occupied by oneself follows that logic of witnessing the rise of the day at my left and the end of the day at my right.
With the hifi set at a true 45 degree towards the rising sun. Sounds superb.

One or two pillows? That is the question.

2 here.


I’m not sure the master gave clear advice. If lying on one side restricts breathing through that nostril, it will reduce the effect of the opposite side of the brain. So lying on the right gives more breath through the left nostril, activating the right side of the brain, which is the creative and imaginative side. Lying on the left will activate the left side of the brain - practical and active dominant.

My yogi told me the opposite.
Right side brain influenced by left side body.
Left side brain influenced by right side body.
Although often wake disorientated as to what side is resting.
My point that the subconscious is perhaps not bothered about orientation.

Yes, that’s correct, so when lying on one side, your restrict breathing on that side and the opposite nostril is clearer and then breathing more on that side activates the opposite side of the brain.


Really ?

Yes, it’s the breath. activating the nadis that then activities the opposite side of the brain, here’s a good explanation


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Love that, but still my yogi is nudging me about the subconscious.
Can this really be related to orientation?
So fascinating.

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Vaastu shastra is an ancient practice of using orientation to achieve harmony… lots on the net…

But you have to approach the practice with some belief in the ancients…and their reasoning…
( after reading it )

For a skeptic - there is no scientific proof… but only ancient reasoning - which a person may choose to believe or not…

All of us love scientific explanations and reasoning - but there are things out there that cannot be scientifically - hence proved :grinning:

Audiophilia is one such example i suppose - we all get different results with the same gear and might be the same room ?? :slightly_smiling_face:


Best sleeping position?

At work …while being paid for it

There’s no better sleep!!