Fip Pop

Hi, I love listening to Fip radio through the Naim app on my android phone. Fip have recently introduced a new channel ‘Fip Pop’ but I can’t seem to find this through the Naim app search. I know I can cast directly from the Fip android app but the connection is usually a bit glitchy for me. Does anyone have any suggestions or info that can help? Cheers!!

Big fan of FIP,

@Stevesky can you find this one I wonder?



Hi @Willard,

We should be able to get VTuner to add this to the database. Sometimes these digital only stations can slide under their radar and not initially make it into the database.

Once we have an answer I’ll post again.


Steve Harris
Software Director
Naim Audio Ltd

Hi @Stevesky,

That’s great. Thank you very much!



Hi @Willard

To get things going I’ve added fip Pop into ‘Naim’s Choice’. Picked the higest quality stream which is the 192k AAC one.

VTuner will be adding it to their database as well.



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Amazing! thank you kindly Steve.

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