Flashing Preamp

Quite frustrating. After a fair amount of searching, I ended up with a NAP 150X, a 202/napsc and an Olive HiCap. Just picked up a set of Totem speakers a couple of days ago. Hooked it all up and the 202 mute button is flashing, tuner input backlight is on steadily. I unhooked the set up, ran a NAD preamp/tuner along with the 150X and there is sound from the radio coming through so no issue with the amp/speakers. I hooked everything up again, less the HiCap (4 pin amp to 4 pin 202) and still no sound from the tuner and mute is still flashing. I have a Narcom 3 remote with fresh batteries that does nothing (When I first got the pre, I tried it out somehow and it did work. For the life of me I can’t figure out what I did correctly then.) From the Hicap in the rear left to right, I’m running the first 4 pin to the amp and the 4th (a 5 pin) to the preamp. As noted, with just the amp to the pre without the hicap (4 pin) it continues to flash. With the HiCap, it also flashes. What am I doing incorrectly here?

If you are not using the Hicap, you need to replace the 5 pin link plug in the 202.

Top diagram; without napsc or hicap, both linking plugs in place.

Bottom diagram; with napsc and hicap, linking plugs removed.

Mute flashes to indicate a power supply or link plug issue.

I have 2 of the 5 pin “blanking” plugs. With the NAPSC and the HiCap hooked up, are they to be used anywhere or not?

The issue was with the connection at the hicap, I had the cable between the hicap and the amp in the wrong connector at the hicap.

What about these blanking plugs? Rather than lose them, can they be put into the preamp connections somewhere?

Basically no. I kept mine in the box pushed into the Polystyrene. Safe place to keep them.



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