Focal scala utopia evo

It absolutely does, it has more control, more tight and controlled bass, the music sounds more musical than hip. I have another thread on ceiling noise, even my ceiling noise has “slightly” reduced, hence i feel the 252 has better control on the bass, and you end up having a better controlled punch instead of a slightly more boomy one (still does not solve my ceiling problem though, i will still need to breakdown the ceiling). I am sure the next few weeks will bring even further refinement.

I used to have some vibration in the room that went with the 252 I have mine about 9 month and still improving I also have mine installed on a rack and supercap on different rack beside it.

I have a similar setup, i have two racks, on one I have the 252/NDX2/Core with Cisco 2960 and on the other, I have, 300, SuperCap/300PS (top to bottom). I plan to add one more layer to improve separation. The 252 has reduced the bass and vibrations and for me is more pleasant, balanced and coherent comparted with the 282.

Congratulations on your new 252 enjoy it… It is a brilliant preamp so is the 282.

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