Football Season 2024/25

Or dare I say it, actively encouraged!

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No, Iā€™ve described a referee. They are not omniscient or all seeing.

Your mention of Collina is interesting. Magnificent referee but those were different times. Players time-wasted in front of the referee with fake injuries and there was no fourth official; no head injury protocol and so on. In the current climate he would have had the same issues as all refs. You cannot address that which you cannot see.

Youā€™ve literally just described the solution re: time-keeping which was trialled last season and withdrawn within weeks. Iā€™ve given several examples of why we already know cards donā€™t work as well. Not sure what else needs to be said really.

Iā€™d be very happy with a mid-table finish, Chris, like I would to enjoy a pint of HSB with you in the Still & West. :smiley:

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To implement stopping the clock you also have to reduce game time and introduce time outs. Was that trialled? But refs & their assistants have all the tools they need. They simply choose not to use them.

No it wasnā€™t trialled like that but your version is surely impractical. No football fan I know will tolerate less game time given the associated costs of a game.

I donā€™t see how you can argue officials have all the tools they need but choose to not use them. How does an official see something half a pitch away and behind them and, having not seen it, conclude that itā€™s time-wasting and not genuine? How do they decide in an instant to not follow, for example, the head injury protocol and just issue a yellow card? In reality there is just no way they do.

I thought my examples of why cards havenā€™t worked and wonā€™t work were both from the real world and pretty detailed. Iā€™m genuinely intrigued as to whether you have examples to the contrary or itā€™s just a strong feeling so to speak.

Good to hear. I have a shift with the Evening News this Satā€¦will you be in town on Friday evening for your early KO v Luton on the Saturday? Iā€™m thinking of a couple, early doors, say 6pm in the Stillā€¦

Not to prolong the debate but weā€™d actually get more game time. We got 47 minutes v Portsmouth. Basically one half of football. Itā€™s probably different at Wrexham but this is a week in week out issue at ER. Itā€™s amazing how the serial time wasters suddenly speed up when theyā€™re behind. So yes, the best way to deal with it is to get in front and stay in front but that isnā€™t always possible.

When players go down off the ball itā€™s not going to be a head injury so play on. Remarkably when refs do this the ā€˜injuredā€™ player who previously looked like heā€™d never play football again is up and at ā€˜em in a flash.

Refs need to be more pro active.

Now Iā€™m off for a ride in my bike :+1:


According to the EDP, it looks like all your dreams have finally come true!

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Definitely not different for us. EFL far better on the issue than NL but not so much that thereā€™s any meaningful difference.

Unfortunately your off the ball theory founders when one realises that a head injury could be sustained from a crowd missile. No referee will be stupid enough to go ā€œNah, thatā€™s not a head injuryā€ if they didnā€™t see it. Imagine if a player was down way away from anyone and it turned out a broken bottle had taken their eye out.

Having said that, the rules around the whole protocol need examining again. Discovered on Saturday that our ref. was absolutely right to play on when a Wycombe player went down clutching his head at our corner. Unbelievably the current protocol allows a ref to play on of the collusion was sustained with a player from your own team. Words fail. He got up and played on with a black bandage.

Local paper reports Delia has handed over majority ownership to Attanasio.
Good news as multiple ownership was inhibiting any progress.
Attanasio has stated they are investing in sport as a business proposition so it will be interesting to see how this pans out.
Better hope Norwich City F.C. is worth more than Carrow Road redevelopment value!:smile::crossed_fingers:

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Shame itā€™s not scheduled to happen until end of March next year.

After Saturday we could well be a League 1 side by then.

Will it also mean stagnation this season with the board not wanting to do anything until the sale or will Mr A demand some signs of progress before finally signing on the dotted line?

Hoping this will wake a few up at CR, especially those currently, laughingly called, players.

I hope Norfolk Holdings take over immediately as itā€™s obvious from the structured handover that Delia could not manage the current debt levels.
Norfolk Holding will take on the debt for shares with no payment to Delia.

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Chris, as it happens I have got tickets for the Luton game for me, son and two grandsons, but weā€™ll be travelling down to the game from South London on Saturday morning so wonā€™t be in the city on Friday evening.

Totally fair enough Mike, would be good to do another time.

Idah has finally gone to Celtic for Ā£8.5 million + Ā£1 million + 15% sell on.
Good deal for both sides.
Sara gone, Idah gone, Rowe on his way and we still have Hanley, Barnes and Duffy.
Iā€™m sure a little while ago Ben Knapper said he wanted to reduce the average squad age. Strange way of going about it but typically Norwich.

Surprised at how vulnerable Lutonā€™s defence looked this evening. They couldnā€™t cope with Burnleyā€™s pace, yet persisted at playing a rather high line. Unlike Luton, Burnley looked a team with recent PL pedigree.

Scott Parker though. Didnā€™t exactly convince as an EPL manager with his outburst and the relative success of his immediate successor. Iā€™m sure Burnley will have a decent season but thatā€™s all it will be. Straight back down if they go up. An utterly pointless appointment.

@JohnF and @Canaryfan congratulations. You will soon have a new era. Nothing quite like the buzz of not knowing what comes next witha new owner. Itā€™s like having a second pre season, but good :slight_smile:

Everything about your new owner says ā€œslow buildā€ but I donā€™t see that as a bad thing. I shall watch with great interest. One thing clear already. The disciplinary actions against Idah and Rowe were apparently led by your new owner. Doesnā€™t seem keen on player power or a basic lack of manners.

Far better than our owners ludicrous ā€œbut why canā€™t we do that and nowā€ guns ho approach encouraged by the idiot Harvey. A stage up comedian, actor and writer is literally our only voice of reason.

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From what heā€™s said and brief videos I like Mark Attanasio. No big promises but obviously a very successful man with considerable wealth behind him.
What is interesting to me is if he can turn Norwich into a viable business worth investing in.
Iā€™ve often tried to figure out how to make Norwich City a viable business and the only thing I concluded was the self funding model Delia came up with would never work.
Interesting times ahead.

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Well, I am struggling to say exactly what happened tonight other than we were well beaten by a much more organised and purposeful Burnley side - canā€™t even blame the ref/VAR/dodgy decisions. Kaminsky actually kept the score down but to be honest Burnley could have had another 3. Also not sure what we are thinking we have sold Barkley (who would have gone anyway) & lost Lokonga who bossed our midfield last season, Osho moved to France & we let Giles go to Hull permanently: are we thinking that we will just bank the money and keep our fingers crossed that we can perform miracles again? Yes we have injury problems (still! - amazing at the start of the season) but we looked threadbare, could not defend and offered nothing in attack. Any talk of an immediate return to the Premier was shot down pretty quickly tonight. Oh, please donā€™t tell Portsmouth that we canā€™t defend - better that they find out for themselves in our next game.