Forum - Font change

The new font wouldn’t be my cup of tea, remains to be seen how much it annoys me or how quickly I get used to it.


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Nearly asked myself late afternoon! Quite jarring initially, but I’m sure we’ll get used to it in time. Harder to read I’m afraid - perhaps someone could write a script/make a style-sheet to bypass the style!

Is it me, or is there a lot more ‘white space’ than before, and fewer posts in the same screen real estate.

Naturally, everything that goes wrong with anything is due to Brexit :roll_eyes:

Oddly, I’ve missed any coverage of the ‘event’, though I’m not sure overt celebrations/countdowns have done anything to bring UK citizens together which is what we really need.

The font change is annoying as it’s far less readable for dyslexics.

I deliberately change the default sans typefaces on my browsers to Segoe UI, as that is a particularly readable typeface. to have that readability setting overridden by the server is not good.


I was going to have a peek at Roon’s forum which I think used the old style/font - I’m getting a Safari error:

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Would a custom stylesheet for the browser not work? I’ve encountered people making these on other fora after UI changes, may have a dabble, though I suspect some here are would be far more adept at this than me.

It would, but modern browsers don’t allow that as a general rule as it’s a security risk (it can be used by malware to inject portable code).

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I still have the option in Safari on High Sierra, not sure about the latest builds as I may be a bit behind!

I prefer the previous presentation. Was easier on the eyes.


I really like this font. When reading back my own writings, I seem somehow less pretentious.
More like an unassuming British person…


I’m certainly not seeing that effect.


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From my writings or the font ?? :rofl:

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It’s a joke, nobody with any experience would have adopted this solution , if there is a problem with the website change it, more customers read the forum .


I preferred the previous font - this one appears ragged by comparison.
I tried larger - worse for me - I see more rough.
I tried smaller - better for this worse font so I will use that.



It seems to have had the opposite effect on me…

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First opinion is that it is a mistake, I have change sizes and colors and still is an irritant. Perhaps I’ll adjust over time, if not then less forum time moving forward. This aging bit can be a real PITA.

I never had a problem with the Naim web site but was only there for short periods of time reading product information.

Life goes on…

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Yes, I too am no fan of the new font. The letters seem so much smaller than the old font. I have increased the font size but the ‘readability’ just isn’t as immediate compared to the old font, particularly on an iPad, which I use for forum use mostly.

I don’t think any forumite will have noticed or cared that the forum font was different to the website font. It is a case of the marketing boys and girls getting ahead of themselves, I feel.

No big deal really, just a change for the worst IMHO.


Very difficult to read. At first I thought my eyes had gotten worse. Only then noticed the changed font.
The legibility suffers significantly from the flickering letters. I understand the font customization, but I think the wrong font family was chosen.


Against the grey-theme background on a laptop, the new font appears as if someone has locked the bold command and the characters have got smaller. The latter could be just an illusion of the contrasting against the background.

I can see why it may assist with some VIs but I much prefer the former presentation.

I concur with the thoughts that white on black looks ok as a contrast but not the other way around.