Fraim: How far from the wall? The Results

Hi Everyone,

I see that my original thread closed so here is an update on my journey. :wink:

I settled at placing the rear leg 13” from the rear wall.

This allowed the burndys enough space to droop but not hit the wall.

I am currently letting all the cables settle / anneal under their own weight.

I have a few ideas for strain relief that I will eventually explore.

Here are a few photos:


Nice system
Suggest placing nd555 on top shelf with empty shelf below


Great set up!

I would suggest 552 on top with Nd555 underneath. Then spare shelf then 500 head unit. 552 likes to be on top and give 500 likes some space above and below.

Try it out and see if it makes a difference. It may not!

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Thx! Still thinking about putting my LP12 on the top shelf.

I hear you. It seared my soul to burn two bases to give some air under the units. If I don’t put my LP12 on the top shelf. I will probably bite me tongue and do it.

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Get the LP12.on the rack. You can have the boxes where you want them. You have brain and brawn configuaration.

It’s all looking great!

It is sounding pretty good too. :grinning:

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