From Classic & XS series to Uniti: a backwards move?

I have a 5 box classic system and a Nova system. I would happily live with either at the end of the day. Both very good systems at thee price points.



I had a five box Classic system and now have a Nova and a phone stage , and certainly don’t feel short changed in terms of performance though I think there are tweaks such as a Powerline to be done.

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Fascinating. Would you be able to elaborate? What is the ratio of cost between your two systems? (MSRP to make it simple) and, most importantly, would it be like comparing a VW Up and a Veyron?

Because, the five box Classic also powered PMCFB1 and I changed the speakers, now I have a system that is far better at delicate notes and voices , I say it’s like a picture that has been restored and the colours are cleaner and more vibrant but has lost a bit of oomph.

The system was downsized for various factors not related to audio.

It’s not always about power and grunt

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