From Uniti Atom to Uniti Star

My personal experience of automatic ripping has not been good with ROON and The Eversolo A-6. I much prefer manual ripping with DBpowerAmp. It throws up 3 or 4 options, rarely is one 100% accurate, but they’ve mostly good. It’s a bit tedious, but they’re on my HDD / SSD and backed up to NAS twice! I have just bought an Audiolab 9000CDT, which is excellent when it reads disks! It’s 2 months old and can’t read any. I’ve also ordered a NOVA to replace Nait & CD 5i and ND5XS.

Is Naim faultless at ripping? If so, do they use a special CD Library service?

Well, depending on the state of the CD, a faultless rip may not be possible. But generally, the Star (with the latest firmware) rips correctly. Otherwise it will tell you if there were tracks with faults (which will still be ripped, mind).

As far as metadata goes, the software takes it from Rovi if that is available, else it tries MusicBrainz, and it uses FreeDB as a last resort. If none of the services have a matching entry for the CD’s TOC, it will rip as unknown artist. Note that in my experience this is quite rare. In any case you always have the option of manually editing the metadata through the Naim app, including changing the cover art (or supplying it if it is missing, which occasionally happens with rips that otherwise have correct metadata).

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The select button on the unit won’t select the CD input. It will cycle through all others, but not CD.

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