Furutech Discussion

I use it before a mains strip that feeds all my IT/digital components (not the pure hifi ones) and it does make a difference.
Whether that is common mode noise rejection, or anything else, I can’t say.

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Interesting… I am curious to try it. But so expensive the damn thing…

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They keep expanding their connector line using NCF, so its no longer just the FI50 that uses NCF, they currently also have FI-52 (20amp), FI-48 (R,G), FI-46 (G), FI-C15.


Good to know. As I have suspected, the type of plugs has a more significant bearing on the sound than the cable. The FI-50 NCF may have contributed to the openness of the sound whereas the FI-28 may have brought the warmth. In other words, I may be describing more on the FI-28 (R) plugs rather than the TCS31 that’s terminated with it.

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I have no personal experience with the mid level rhodium connectors but from everything I’ve read it’s actually the other way around, the FI-50 NCF are less bright/more neurtal/warmer vs the mid grade rhodium connectors/previous non NCF FI-50 (part of the reason why I stay away from them & went straight to the 50 FI-NCF)

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I’m still amazed at how good these connectors sound in my system.

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Anyone tried or have the Furutech Clear Line RCA? Similar to Chord Ground Aray. They seem to get good feedback from those that have got them.


I think most here would need a DIN version :grin:

Would these have an impact, not sure about all the kit but don’t at least the higher level pre’s have muting relays, so the unused inputs aren’t active? And most users are using DIN, believe only one type of input is active at a time, so again, if you have DIN selected, if you add these to the RCA inputs would they have any impact?

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I’ve seen some with Naim equipment and Chord Ground Aray on unused inputs that claim they are beneficial to the performance. Not sure how muting relays work in a naim system. Maybe it doesn’t include the ground plane :man_shrugging:

I might have to find out.

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As long as you can trial before buying, might as well give it a go & let us know.

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Interesting. I’m not sure if the FI-28 (R) are mid grade connectors but when combined with the TCS31 it surely sounds warm to me, in my system to my ears. The DPS4.1/FI-50 NCF(R) sounds noticeably more open and brighter (an appealing and nice brightness as opposed to offensive or bad brightness) with better clarity and detail.

Perhaps my components and speakers sound warm, or my old ears don’t hear much high frequencies anymore.

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I’ve just placed an order for the Furutech DSS 4.1 speaker cables and another DPS 4.1. I guess I won’t be doing the head to head between the DPS4.1 and the TCS31 in the near future as I don’t get very much time to listen. The precious time I have I prefer to just enjoy my system.

I will however report back about how I get on with the speaker cables


And the Furutech GTX-D NCF(R) wall sockets

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Does anyone use the DAS 4.1 xlr cables?

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I would be interested on your thoughts about the Furutech DSS-4.1. Comparisons to other speaker cables which you have used in your system would be useful.

There are too many cables out there which I haven’t explored. I am actually done with the system and have no intention to change anything. Nevertheless, if I am in the market for speaker cables, it would either be the DSS-4.1 and Luxman JPS-15000. These cables are not cheap so I would need to wait for the right time or opportunity to be able to own a pair.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your ears, your posts seem to be inline with what I’d expect or have heard personally. With the rhodium connectors, no matter the wire, you’ll still end up with a pretty transparent sounding cable, I’m wondering if the differing of your opinion vs khan’s is due to the kit in use. Believe you’re using a Luxman which probably leans more towards the warm/lush side while looks like he’s a 552/500 combo, which in comparison would be more forward/brighter. So being fairly transparent, the cord is maybe taking on a bit of the flavor of what its connected too.


Looking forward to the speaker cables. Especially considering I’m not one to spend a lot on cables. My interconnects are custom made at about a fifth of the price I would’ve paid for SL or Chord.

I’ve also purchased the Furutech NCF rhodium banana plugs so I am expecting very good results.


I have often wondered what their interconnect and speaker cables are like. It is strange that no one on here seems to use them given the popularity of their IEC and plug connectors. I am sure they will be good and look forward to hearing how you get on!


I am wondering whether there’s anyone on here who has changed the EU schuko on the Naim Powerline (Furutech FI-E28) to a Furutech 50 NCF schuko connector and whether it brought improvements.

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I would guess as Naim users were all use to DIN above RCA, so Furutech doesn’t come up often. I have been thinking about swapping the RCA’s on my phono lead with the CF-102 NCF.