
November is for us the plan to plant a few trees. They said that’s best.


@ChrisSU @Ardbeg10y

Thanks. I leave it until early winter.

Just a little reminder that Autumn isn’t so far away……


Yeah, lots of them. The weather was very good for it. First brown leaves appearing too.

Found this

The Fly Agaric, Amanita muscaria , is a hallucinogen and must be considered poisonous. These attractive fungi often appear in groups and are a common sight in all kinds of woodlands. Perhaps not to be counted as produce!


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I was wondering why the forum seemed so exciting this morning. Must be those mushrooms I had for breakfast. :crazy_face:


Our large, 20 year old, box in the back garden has gone peculiar.

I noticed a few days ago the leaves near the bottom were losing their colour and drying. Gave it plenty of water but as of today, just a few days later, virtually all the leaves are dead, the branches are still fresh and green, but the leaves have just dried out. It’s not been short of water and everything else around it is OK. There are lots of box free caterpillars on it, however not sure they’d be responsible for all the the dead foliage.

It’s never been anything than green and lush through drought and snow through its life.

Anyone any ideas?

We have been struggling with the box moth……once you notice it……almost to late. We have sprayed……but they are difficult to get to. Some we have saved by brutal and immediate pruning….for next years onslaught.

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I was wondering about box tree moth too:

Oh well, I was wrong then, it is the little f&*(^%$s.

That’s exactly what’s happened over the space of about a week!


There is also Box Blight which is a fungal thing, it’s quiet common unfortunately

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Could be. However given the box has a number of these caterpillars on them, I assume now that they are the culptit. I just couldn’t believe they’d do so much damage so quickly!

Perhaps it’s both!

Anyway, I’m afraid I’m going to have to go the full chemical nukes it seems from the RHS unfortunately.

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If it is ‘box moth’ does anyone know if you can eradicate the larvae if the plant can recover next year? I guess the moths might still be around to reinfect.

Thats the problem, if they are in the general area, not just your garden……they will be back.

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Discussions with my local gardener in the pub on Sunday suggests that box does not recover; the reason given was once you spot the caterpillar it’s too late. Others may have a different experience. Here in the Cotswolds the result is devastating.


Blimey, never herd of it before. I kid you not our 10 ft box was super healthy last weekend. Looked unwell on Friday and virtually deceased today.

I have never tried it , but i wonder if there is a watering can mix that would really soak through the foliage. The webs deflect the sprays.

Yep, the RHS says you’ve got to go deep.

Trying to figure out how to stop the cats going into one of their favourite hidey places.

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Nowadays if the moths don’t get box then blight will. It’s better to turn to yew rather than box.