Great Leap Forward

Has everybody noticed the amazing improvements to the app?

The image of the streamer is now inside a much bigger box and the “play/pause” arrow and bars images are… different.

A HUGE improvement and total game-changing shifting of the tectonic plates, I think we’ll all agree, yes?


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Agree it is an improvement, but hardly game changing :sweat_smile:

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Limiting the app’s background colours to black or white probably achieved substantial cost savings and these funds have been reallocated to the box graphics development team.

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There’s a difference but I hardly noticed, as long as I can select, play etc thats good enough for me.

Not sure if Naim side loaded a fix for the automation volume issue, were it decided to reach maximum volume (took out my SL2s !!!), probably not… as it stands now the automation has been removed from my setup.

Soz, couldn’t find an “irony” emoticon. Are you an American?

I used the new app all weekend. It’s a bit different but basically the same. Until I saw this thread I never gave the new app a second of thought.

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Preferred the colored backgrounds. The “Black or White” only is boring.

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