Guru Audio, Guru 12 - any real experience?

I’ll be giving it another go today just to be sure, but given how well the Kefs gel with it and the inherent characteristics of them versus Guru I’d hazard the result will be the same.

Guru 12’s displacing the Kef R3 metas for a while and hooked up to the Densen system.

No bi-amping option of the Gurus so Beat b100 running passive and heavy lifting down to the B300. Gurus a very easy load anyway.

LS50 Metas staying on the A1.


Please tell us how those speakers work with the Densen. I had the Beat-100 integrated, it was fantastic but I needed a remote.

Also had a B-200 preamp later as well. At one point my end game goal was a B250 pre and B330 power amp. But Densen has dropped off the map and does not even seem to be manufacturing anymore, just repairing old stuff. A shame.

I’ve had Mk1 and Mk2 Q10’s on the Densen, plus now these 12’s, all went together fine, always found Densen very adaptable to speakers and consistent in the way they bring their style to the party.

Yes, real shame that Thomas Sillensen no longer involved, whenever I’ve sent back my amps for service I’ve always been begging them to do a new limited edition DM10, the original integrated, couldn’t stretch to that back in the day (think it was about £1300 from memory) and went with the baby brother the Beat 100. Mind you compared to most other amps it has no need for any inferiority complex, absolute classic of an amp.

Last night I swapped it round and have the Beat 100 integrated running solo now, sounds really involving and dynamic.

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It looks like things are changing to Guru Audio as the manufacture and distribution changes. The website has been updated/changed and there is a little blurb about ‘Stereo Compensation’ and the need to get a flat response at the ear and not directly from the speaker.

Hopefully this is a new beginning that will be successful as these wonderful speakers need/deserve a wider audience.

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Please can you about differences of Q10 vs 12 ? Which one do you prefer most? I’ d be more inclined with the former

That’s a tough one, I’ve just swapped back in the 12’s in the Naim system after about 2 months with the newly upgraded Qm10’s.

Because of the dimensions of the Qm10’s, with them being wider than high, it’s quite easy to position correctly as per Guru recommendation and it looks right visually.

With the 12’s, and that they are more conventionally proportioned it looks a bit odd (well to me) to have the toe in like the 10’s.

Anyway literally today went experimenting and the 12’s sound sublime.

I’d say that the Qm10’s are the easiest to get the best out of, and that is something I’ve always appreciated about them over and speaker.

The 12’s sound like a big speaker , the Qm10’s sound like a speaker bigger than its size. I know that sounds like the same thing, but it isn’t.

If in doubt def 10 for ease of placement and performance that just is sublime.

Thank you, they might entually replace or join nSat or IBL in my secondary systems

Erik (the owner) last I spoke with him was mid transition to some sort of tie up with the owning company of Project / Musical Fidelity etc, so bigger logistics issues should be sorted.

Are the new Qm10 a big upgrade ? I considered it but didn’t go ahead with my original Qm10 which I love especially acoustic guitar

Hey, I had Qm10 Mk1’s and Mk2’s. Both brilliant speakers but for me the Mk1’s had a little bit more sparkle than the probably more “correct” Mk2’s.

A mate of mine now has my Mk2’s and when my Mk1’s had an issue I sent them back to get them repaired and upgraded to latest spec.

The latest ones have the sparkle of the Mk1’s plus the around abilities of the mk2.

Fabulous speakers.

If your current ones are in working order however I wouldn’t go through the hassle of sending them back to be upgraded, the original design has most the stardust.

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Thank you for taking the time for an informative answer

No worries, more than welcome.

I’m switching between my newly updated Qm10s and the new 12’s currently.


If you don’t need near wall placement, and can have speakers standing out in the room in free air, QM10 or Guru 12?

You can and this is where I initially placed my Guru 12’s when they displaced my Kef LS50 Metas to a second system in the cabin.

However I’d say that there is a cohesiveness that makes them special when placed closer to the wall, and it helps keep things from dominating a normal environment.

A friend who has my old MK2’s of the QM10 has them placed in a compromised environment, one very close to a side wall and with the toe in on that speaker its rear is closer than the other speaker that is in more free space, but it still sounds good, and the first speaker to overcome his difficult layout.

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