Happy Hour

So… What are we drinking tonight?
This is my favourite for this evening
What is yours?


We are drinking that now

Always :blush:

A selection over a couple of nights lately:

G&T (No 3 and Fever Tree), slice of orange

Old Fashioned (Bookers bourbon, bitters, hint of sugar syrup, orange slice in well-stirred ice)

Brewdog Punk IPA ( it’s OK for an occasional pint - but I’m not a fan of ‘craft’ beer on the whole. Most are pretty bad imho)

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Out here in the Alpujarras, it’s possible to find just one quality cider on the shelf amongst all the Magners and Bulmers and the like.



Maredsous has a special place in my heart.

Many years ago we went on summer holiday to a small town in the Ardennes. My dad and I did a tour by car in the evening to check out the environment. We found a monastery and there was an advertisement poster for an organ concert that night. We went back to the holiday house and my father had a chat with my mother that he was going to the organ concert. My wife didn’t want me to go, but I did go.

Lucky me. The organist of that night was Olivier Latry - maybe the best organist currently alive - in the very abbey of Maredsous. After an hour in a packed chapel, we thought the concert was finished. Everybody went outside. It apparently was the break and everybody got a pint of Maredsous poured by monks.

What a night.


A large dram of this, which was my father in law’s favourite. Sadly he passed away this morning so here is a toast to Ian, one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of meeting


My condolences, KayPeeJay. I shall ask my dealer if he has the same.

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