Hello from new member

Hello everyone, I’m Jhony, I’m 28 and I’ve just joined this forum, which seems to be full of really interesting information! I’m delighted to be joining the community and look forward to chatting with you! Looking forward to hearing from you!

I couldn’t find any topics to present myself on, so I took the liberty of making this one. It could be useful to others if need be :slight_smile:


Welcome Jhony, it’s a great forum!

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Welcome Jhony. Hold on to your wallet!


Welcome to the forum!

You find that most members place their system information within their profiles. You will also find the search feature very helpful when looking for information regarding equipment, connecting gear, music and a lot of other topics as well.


28 eh? Get out while you still can! There’s still time…

Before the Slippermen getcha :eyes:

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Hi hope you enjoy being part of the group everyone is really friendly and happy to answer questions

This is the best forum I know. People are friendly and fun with plenty of knowledge for HiFi lovers.
Of course there is a « little » bias for Naim stuff but all brands and setup discussion are welcome! (Not to mention the Lounge for all the non-audio related stuff you can imagine)

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Welcome, looking forward seeing more posts from you. :+1:

Welcome to the fun house. Good to have a youngster among us old farts. :grin:

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Welcome to this great forum. There is a wealth of information to tap into and everyone is incredibly friendly and supportive. I would love to hear about your system and music preferences. Also great to hear from someone younger and get a different perspective on the hobby.

Welcome… look forward to you joining our debates… just be mindful to take with a pinch of salt some of what is said on here… :grinning:

Welcome J.
You’ll find that under the various sections you can talk about almost anything from jokes to records to hifi products. I’ve seen people sharing favorite wines, TV shows, just about everything. Why you can even post colorful jokes. So go ahead and post your topic and someone will reply. Good luck

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Would be helpful if you could put your current hifi setup in your profile.

Best regards


Gordon is correct that discussion on many things are allowed in the Lounge even if they are superficially mundane.

The main things to avoid are political and religious discussions which can have polarised views or anything you might consider clearly controversial or which might cause offence. It’s easy to inadvertently stray into some of these areas when replying, many of us have probably done so.

You may have seen them already but worth reading the forum rules here:

The FAQ section contains some real gems of information about cables and so forth.

Welcome to the forum, @jhony_1741


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