Help with Editing Roon

Oh dear.

I’m keeping the core. At least for now. It’s not a cost effective decision and it’s subject to change, but for now. I’ll use it to rip. I’ll continue to rip and edit via the Uniti Core and move the ripped files to Roon where the burden of doing an edit here and there is no big deal because the volume of new additions will be low.

As for audio quality, Naim is superior. BUT, I have two Audio Alchemy DMP-1 Music Servers and their audio quality is equal to or much greater than Naim. One feeds my living room audio system and the other my TV system and I can offload music from Roon to a USB stick and then play music via the Audio Alchemy DMP-1. So it is true, that’s a little extra work, but a very doable solution to prime audio quality.

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