Helpful thoughts please! Fault finding in NAP 300 DR

Interesting… thanks for that… I’ll bear that in mind.

It’s just happened again after about 36 hours continuous play… 2-3 minute power down and it’s back up. Did Naim come to any conclusions?

I’d contact Naim support so they can check its history. Maybe they were exchanged due to intermittent issues, went to Naim for grade A refurb and QC and this issue slipped through due to its character of the problem you seem to have.

Spoken to Naim, but also Peter Tyson who I bought it from. They’re sending out a like for like for delivery tomorrow! Outstanding… :sunglasses:


Hi Neil. Sorry to hear about the repeat failure. I think they put it down to a faulty output transistor. They couldn’t repeat the fault back at HQ so I ended up filming it failing. They replaced each component but the issue persisted so ended up swapping the entire lot out after testing, ever since it’s been flawless. They did suggest that they’d had a couple of international customers report an identical fault around the same time as my issue which might suggest a batch problem. Good luck with it, I’m sure naim will sort it out to your satisfaction.

I’ve contacted Peter Tyson who I bought it from, and they are shipping another unit to me today! Outstanding customer service. :sunglasses:


How nice you hear of a dealer resolving it so efficiently. It’s however a tad concerning that an allegedly Grade A amplifier was dispatched with a fault. Quite a few people seem to have had problems with new things recently.

I had a duff Grade A 222 so it’s not that unusual unfortunately

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