Hi, an out of his depth newbie to Naim, help and guidance required please

TomTom Audio in St Alban’s are a worthy port of call for putting together pre-loved systems.
They have a decent rolling stock spanning all the generational ranges and tend to know what kit works well together, including where an upgrade journey is factored for.
Budget dictates your entry point, regardless, anything can be traded in as your system grows and funds allow.
Supernait 2 is a solid amp baseline, a nice sweet spot might be a 282/250/HiCap also, some tempting prices on decent mileage used kit now as well.
Be aware that older kit that’s beyond 10 years old is at a point where servicing will become recommened and if much older likely necessary to get the best of the kit.
You can check a products age, what product it replaced and what replaced it on Naim’s website.


Thanks for the heads up on TomTom, I will have a look at their website.

I came back to Naim two years ago after a 10-year absence. Spent a ton of time researching all the things you are. If I would do it all again in hindsight, there’s no question in my mind that I’d go SN3 + used NDX or XS3 + Used ND5XS depending on budget. Built in phono stages and really good balance with your new LP12 and ATCs. The streamer gives you that digital front-end if you’re a Tidal/CD person.

There’s a risk of trying to do too much too soon. When you boil it down, coming back to Naim after anything else gives you such an enjoyable sonic bump that you don’t need to have it all figured out on day one. You can improve / upgrade the system over time (which is why many of us are here for the long-haul.)

Hope that helps.


It certainly does help, I am always open to suggestions, the LP12 will be first, then the amplification in some shape, I have no qualms of going SN3 plus other bits, not sure about the NDX as I am not into streaming at the moment but who knows that may change in the future.

But the SN3 is on my radar to audition.

Thanks for the input, appreciated.

Consider that the Supernait 3 whilst having an internal phono stage, only supports MM cartridges.
If you’re investing primarily in a vinyl source that may be a limiting factor.
The SN 2 offers most of what the SN 3 does for less money, and can still support adding a HiCap DR to power the preamp section and act as either a preamp or a power amp only for later upgrade paths.
If streaming isn’t a big thing for you, start off simple and with something affordable like a Bluesound Node, if you find you like it then spend the money on improving that source, a Naim ND5 XS2 being an obvious choice which works well with a Supernait (I ran that system myself)

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Another word in support of James Allney of TomTom in St Albans. He is very good at finding hard-to-get pieces of Naim equipment, and he had a lovely, fully-kitted up LP12 a few weeks ago.

If you want something that’s not on his list of sale items, it’s always worth giving him a call.


Valid point on the SN3 being MM phono only, but I can take the LP12 into a MC phono stage and then into the SN 2/3 at a later date can’t I?

I suppose that I will have to consider streaming at some point but it is not a priority at the moment.

I did forget about that point on MM vs MC. But yes, having a separate MC phono stage into the SN3 completely works. Kind of wastes the phono stage though…In that case, SN2 + saving 1K vs SN3 + a phono stage less than 1k = positive business case vs SN3

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I have an SN3 and use a Linn Urika MC stage as the MM input obviously isn’t suitable then I use the empty Tuner line input.
Fab. :wink: :+1:t2:


Just to echo some of the other comments already posted here @Oxfordian. You’re absolutely in the right place by going to see ‘the very nice man in Leicester’. You’ve certainly no need to look any further for an LP12 or indeed getting set up with a preloved Naim system. You absolutely can’t (and won’t) go wrong… and they can probably dem most eventualities so you can hear the differences, too.

They have Preloved Naim kit coming in all the time, their prices are also very reasonable compared with others and their customer service is outstanding!

Look forward to hearing where you end up with your system!

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Plenty of options here, Naim Phonostages are highly regarded as one example amongst many. You can use one of your own choice and input to a Supernait using one of the RCA Line In inputs. The inputs are both RCA or 5 pin DIN. DIN provides a separate grounding path, grounding is an important aspect of a Naim system design and something to do some research on to familiarise yourself with how they architect it. The latest New Classic ranges enabled a move towards balanced XLR interconnects (as already employed in the Statement NAC/NAP) but still preserve support for DIN to achieve maximum system flexibility.

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