HiCap DR V SuperCap DR. Power and Humph

Wise words.

Mind you, if I hadn’t heard anything better, I would have been quite happy with my Rega Planar 3 and Marantz CD52-2SE into Creek 4040 and Heybrook HB1s (on Linn stands iirc), and would have regarded the virtues of other options as mere pixie dust. Perhaps ignorance really is bliss?

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I just got a Supercap for my nac 82. It’s an amazing upgrade coming from a hicap. Of course it might be different on a supernait since, as I understand, it doesn’t have the possibility to plug two snaics in. However when I first connected I forgot the second snaic and there was a positive difference with one as well. Obviously the 82/250DR is much more resolving hence showing differences upstream more evidently than a Supernait. I would try it still though. The Supercap is a really good power supply and upgrade.

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The supercap provides a large number of power rails. (Could be 10 or more, I can’t remember).

The hicap provides 2 power rails.

Your 82 has 4 power rails, that’s a reason the super cap sound better than a hicap.

So, when feeding a pre amp with only one power rail, is there any advantage in using a supercap?.

Plus the supercap would use a lot more energy, most of it powering redundant regulators.

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I may be mistaken, but I think there’s more to the Supercap than just extra power rails. I would expect it to improve on a Hicap even on a like for like power rail usage basis. If the improvement is value for money is a personal call.

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Sure. I think it’s 14 or 15 rails and I also point this out when I write the Supernait can only use a single snaic which implies can only use a small portion of the rails. However it seems even one or two rails from a Supercap is a better supply than that of a hicap. Also I’ve never tried it on a Supernait. It might not be worth it.

Yes it does

Dear HH,

I take your point and regretfully reply. I will agree with you on all points, though I am lost regarding a HicapDR and an SCDR. I like the SCDR look visually complementing other boxes of this shape. However, my mind struggles with one being better than the other. Yes, a sound test would be the ultimate test. However, I cannot see NAIM producing inferior equipment and inferior DR power supplies in their DR range. They give the user upgrade options, which a Hicap DR might not allow. To say that the SCDR has a better DR power supply is to infer that NAIM makes substandard DR equipment. Which I believe they would not do.

In the interests of manufacturing and the KISS principle. I can see a cut and paste of one DR supply being inserted into the SCDR power supply. I also think it is a sales technique to cast our eyes further down the road of upgrades at the expense of our bank account.

To dream of something bigger and better. I think it is black box desire and black box magic that grabs us. I would struggle with a Hicap myself due to my perfectionism, as I like everything visually appealing and symmetrical. Not that I would be expecting any Black Box magic from an SCDR and in the back of my mind I would be happy (ecstatic) with the sound, though kicking myself for spending so much on one box for one power rail.

Warm regards,

Mitch in Oz.

If the OP has a 2 box amp limit I’d expect 282/200DR to outperform a SN/SCDR. Would be an interesting comparison demo…


I am going through the same dilemma.

I have 2 systems 282/HCDR/250DR and 202/200DR. Was thinking of a Supercap DR for my 282…

So brought the HIcap DR to the 202/200DR and while yes everything sounds better with the power supply, somehow I can’t bring myself to spend myself the money

why is this?

  • should I buy a superlumina speaker cable?
  • should I buy a better speaker (Dynaudio Special 40 vs my current Dynaudio Excite X16)
  • should I upgrade my Chord 2qute to a Chord qutest?

Or just do nothing.

I enjoy music a lot on my current 202/200DR as it is… none of these upgrades I mentioned above (I have not tried the special 40 yet though) make me enjoy music more though. Yes more clarity, more bandwidth, More bass, more soundstage…

But I enjoy the music a lot as it is the way it is.

I did add a power line lite to my 200DR though… it doesn’t cost a lot of money

So adding a Naim power line to a Hicap DR in my view is well worth it

That is what I would do if I were you rather than going to a Supercap DR.

Naim give you options regarding upgrading.

There is something for all price levels.

They are not making inferior power supplies but at each level, there is an improvement.

Think of it as the levels of trim in a car. You get the basic trim, then SL, then GL and finally Ghia.

All good cars, but some have improvements, but at a cost.

Like Hi-Fi, you start off with a good amplifier and, if you want and can afford it, you can make it better or best.

It allows us the option to upgrade if we want to, which is part of the fun of our hobby.


Yes and I would argue that a lot, maybe the majority of what makes good to better lies in the power supply. Try an NDS with different power supplies or a pre or a switch or…

No 332 for you then :sunglasses::+1:

Have you got into switch territory yet? EE8 and Farad3 should be on your list :+1: I also really recommend Lindemann Bridge II with Sbooster or probably even better Farad3 on. Wonderful update!

I lost interest in the 332 and switched to Supercap mode :sweat_smile:. After getting it warmed up I feel it might be just the right sound for me. Maybe try different power cords and interconnects to fine tune and possibly even look into the world of switches once again​:blush:

The Lindemann looks promising. Was it good enough without the power supply?

Such things can easily happen when an Igel knock on your door. I know how it is… :smiling_face:

It was IMO. But as you know with Naim great power is everything and it’s no exception for a product like the Bridge II. I was planning to have it as an interim solution aiming for ND555 but as it sounds now I have cancelled all such plans and will stay with NDS as a DAC only since I like it very very much.

Next up is to evaluate Puritan Ultimate power cables against Powerline.

Have you swapped out all Powerlines now and can you remind me again for what? :slight_smile: @Lucifer


No I still use PL on 555 and 250 and also from wall to block. However I intend switching them all out for Neotech NEP 3200 or a mix of 3200 and the grand. But first I am trying out the Puritan block without filter. It means a Puritan power cable from wall to block since they use the 20 amp iec. I need more outlets than my Fezz Sculptor has, it has 5.

I find the PL sounds good for the most part but it lacks contour and is a bit muddy sounding compared to the cleaner sounding Neotechs I’ve tried.

The Supercap has been evaluated with PL vs Neotech 3200. I prefer the 3200 but both have pros and cons.

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Interesting! Which Puritan cable from wall to block? I currently have the Classic (not Classic Plus).

Here’s Ultimate. Crazy flexible.

The 3200 has an interesting design.

I believe it’s the standard cable that comes with the block. Don’t really know. Yes Neotech is an interesting cable manufacturer.

By the way, the 3200 is the opposite of the Puritan Ultimate when it comes to flexibility. :sweat_smile:

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I can understand that with all those single core wires in it. But single core have their benefits too. Compromises. Always :blush:

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Absolutely - I was fairly flabbered with the effect on Headline of a SuperCap2 I had boxed up ready to sell. Thought I’d give it a go, just to see. The SC stayed.

Image courtesy of MCRU

This is Neotech “the Grand”. Pretty interesting construction.

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