Hifi room in summer house

Please forgive me but what’s a Summer House? In the US it’s a house typically at the Shore or in the mountains. I’m confused

It’s the same, but probably smaller, and it’s in the garden, not in a different location from your main home. AKA garden shed.

I get it. It’s a fancy shed. I guess one would need a rather large yard or it might look a bit out of place. Obviously it would have electric, what about running water and a toilet? Poop in the woods lololol

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It is what we used to call respect - sadly lacking today.

The sheer horror of going out into the garden to enjoy the weather or peace and quiet and hearing the thump thump thump of music is just a nightmare from hell.

No one wants to hear other people’s music and I am sure they have no idea at the mental stress and anguish it can cause to neighbours having to put up with it.


So is an endlessly yapping dog! And, sadly, there seem to be all too many people who do nothing to control their dogs, and regard it as “just the dog being a dog”. Not a problem where I live, but at my son’s house in town if not its one nearby house its another - or multiple, alternately or together. Much as i dislike hearing someone else’s music in the garden, it would be preferable to yapping dogs!


Anyone remember Bob Flowerdew? He used to pee on his gardens compost heap. Can’t comment on his number 2s. :grin:

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Completely agree! Our neighbours Dachshund barks endlessly as the German Shepherd a few doors down sets it off.

My two Golden Retrievers though never react in fact never bark in the garden, its down to training.

I think it’s very much breed dependent, Retrievers as you know are very benign, a neighbour has two Boxers and the slightest thing sets them off, one egging the other on in to a bark fest. Now don’t mention leaf blowers……

It’s a garden building but definitely not a ’SHED’…:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

There are summer houses and summer houses, sheds and sheds! Yours may be nothing like a shed, but some summer houses I’ve seen have just been sheds with [more/bigger] windows and sometimes a verandah. On the other hand our shed when we bought it was described as a log cabin, and with the fibreglass roof I did in place of the supplied roofing felt, it is far better than many a “summer house”!

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That reminds me of another consideration for the OP: Depending where you live, a habitable room may need planning permission even the same building used as a shed might not.

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Look, IB, a bass heavy IBL in a garden house :slight_smile:


Just added some blinds to the cabin to provide some cover from sun.

It’s a double walled construction with insulation in the cavity which has proved surprisingly effective at sound proofing.

This part of the garden is at the bottom end of all the connecting gardens so no one is too near to be disturbed by the music.

It’s a great place to escape and chill.


Are you sure you posted the right pic? It seems full of torture instruments…


Fair play!

Works always pretty full on, long days etc so to unplug the brain and put it in a pickling jar and hit the torture gear provides and oasis of calm.

Tunes mixed in and the world is a different place.


That’s no way to talk about those Kefs

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I converted an integrated garage into a music room and moved all the crap to the dump / shed!

Dimensions re 4.8m x 3.3m so quite cosy but big enough for speakers to breath.

I used acoustic plater board and a layer of acoustic material but the sound still travels round the house when playing loud!



Unfortunately no one wants to hear other peoples building work going on either but we have to live with it. Diggers, grinders, welders, hammers. Add to that other garden work, strimmers, lawn mowers etc. etc. Add to that kids kicking footballs into fences. We all put up with each others noise and personally I have a live and let live mentality. Music from garden rooms, sheds, log cabins etc. is the least of these evils. I wouldn’t let anything put off having a garden music room. Annoying the neighbours just isn’t a thing in the main.


It absolutely is, at least if it is persistent. And unfortunately people are generally becoming more inconsiderate these days, and I understand that formal complaints about noise from neighbouhave increased over the years. It is all about what is reasonable, and what is excessive, though it is also possible for noise to be annoying to one person while not to another. Temporary things like building work - during reasonable working hours - are generally accepted as unavoidable. Similarly normal mechanical garden maintenance machinery like lawnmowers tend to be regarded as unavoidable, but users should be reasonable in their use, and the machinery should not output excessive noise. I view it as I do anything else: I don’t inflict things on others that I wouldn’t want inflicted on me, and in the case of noise I try to minimise any noise reaching my neighbours, though indeed things like garden and house maintenance can produce noise past the boundary, so I don’t do in the evening, nor on a nice sunny Sunday afternoon when people may be more likely to be enjoying their gardens.