His story

Apart from help and learning, socializing is one of the main reasons for my visit to the forum.

I’m happy to read stories. Not stories. Stories The ones themselves, my fellow men, who have the same entertainment as me. Who take pleasure in this hobby.

I invite you to share your story, which made you come here: Naim …
Starting by telling mine:

I grew up listening to varied music, ending my age by choosing one or the other genre that best suits me. Like any of you.

But the support (medium) that provides the enjoyment varied depending on marketing and availability.

Before consciously thinking of a specific taste for a particular sound signature, I went through the cliché. Sony. Technics . Fashion brands in my part of the world.
Almost anything Goes , to listen to music.

Until one day I went to an AudioShow.
Lisbon 2004. At the invitation of a cousin of my future wife. And it was a revelation of new, different brands. Often with a prohibitive budget.

Different approaches to the same issues.

I got the hobbie bug. I bought Teac in 2004. The know-how was increasing and in 2011 I decided to switch to Primare.
In 2014, I went again to an audioshow. And I remember going through several rooms and standing in one and saying to the faithful cousin and companion of these wanderings: I like this sound. (It was the first time I was taken this way).
He replied: It’s a British brand called Naim. That series is the 500.

And here (belatedly) I met the brand that made the kind of sound I was looking for. The following year I sold Primare and went to get UQ2. (There was no SU available ,that i wanted so much).

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Its an odd thing this Naim grab you sound. I so wanted a Musical fidelity A1…did the demo, and the dealer at the time brought out a shoebox thingy called a Nait…wow. Ended walking out with a 62/90.

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Indeed. We never know.
my story on the hi-fi equipment is similar to that of guitars: I grew up wanting a Fender because my God had a white strat. I found out years later that my favorite sounding tone comes from Gibson Les Paul.


I’ve been listening since I was 7 years old. My first record was a 45 by Elvis, Hound Dog. My system was a suitcase record player. Over the years I have purchased a number of components. I seriously pursued a good system. At one point, nearly 25 years ago I wanted put together a serious hifi. I invested a good amount of $. In another English hifi maker. It didn’t satisfy me, it sounded very laid back with little rhythmic engagement. I visited a nearby hifi shop. The owner handed me a couple of small boxes with toggle switches and DIN connector. What the hell is a DIN? He told me to just take it home and try it. He said it was very good. It was amazing and I started Naim journey from there. When I upgraded to a nap 250 with an 82, I said I was done upgrading. I made the mistake of reading the forum.:heart: I have upgraded everything till Im at a 500 system. Naim hifi has never disappointed me.


What’s your source Dan? Couldn’t see from your profile.

I’m enjoying a CD 555.


That’s what I call “fillet mignon”. :muscle:

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