Hourly cost of ownership

I’m Sagittarius and certainly enjoy a good laugh but put me down for a healthy dose of Aries (alcohol) as well! :grinning:

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Wow HH, tricky problem there - very glad you managed to recover the situation.


I quite dislike drugs of any form, so left my last business to reduce anxiety, source first!


Easier said than done when you have children to support. I’m disappointed at your lack of empathy.

Sorry, I’m not suggesting that wasn’t right for you, it’s what I’ve done, to support my family. We have to do what’s best for our own circumstances.


Ah yes family. Anyone worked out the hourly cost of bringing a life into this world ? :zipper_mouth_face:

I’m discovering this every day. My better half is currently pushing brochures under my nose for fancy international schools for our 2 and 4 year olds to start next year.

All this after typhoon damage last month wiped out half the value of our home we need to sell to fund all this.

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I feel you, after paying huge sums for schooling at elementary level Naim and some Cds, books is my only vice

To bring a child up to 18 years old (adult) cost 0.68 €/h here (the direct cost; excluding taxes paid to fund education, healthcare etc.). Of course many parents want to pay more … and keep paying after 18 years.

Bringing a life into this world is quite cheap - you can even DIY (well, not quite!).

It’s what follows that costs… The sooner you can get them working and paying you back the better :no_mouth:

Hi Luke.
The secret to get the best return on your investment is to use your high-end system for EVERYTHING. We have a NAC 552, NAP300DR, Focal Sopra’s, SuperLumina interconnects being fed by a Clearaudio (yes not a Linn) Innovation Turntable, NDX-2/555PS and a vintage REVOX. And when our systems not sounding great with music it’s being fed via a unity gain input by a high quality AV Receiver (L&R channels). This means that our naim kit is working for us all the time, from making my favourite prog rock vinyl sound superb to the latest 4K movie. Even general Tv programs sound incredible when played through naim kit . . .


“a cynic is a person who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing”

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Some weeks I only listen to my Naim system for an hour due to work, travel, family activities etc.
However, if I can only listen for an hour it had better be the very best it can be. That’s how I rationalise my Naim system…


Been there and done that - Citalopram just increased my misery until I quit job and SSRI’s. Learned to enjoy living again and now music is my only medicine.

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