How best to sell my LP collection?

I have reached the age where I need to downsize and reduce the amount of ‘stuff’ that I am surrounded by. The core of my Hi-fi system (recorded in my profile) will remain centre stage wherever I move to, however my choice of source for music has to be changed, if only to reduce the volume of things.

I have built up a fair sized collection of LP’s (1500 or so) which mainly cover the 1960’s to late 1990’s with a good range of classical recordings. Sadly these are rarely played now in the face of wonderful streamer from Naim (ND555 + 2x PS555-DR).

My question is how to sell this collection and the mint LP12 that goes along with this tough choice?

Selling them one at a time, even at discogs values is not really an option, dealers seem to offer pennies for often quite rare items and even with a full discogs catalogue and talk of a vinyl surge I remain uncertain how to approach this and I really want to be sure that this precious collection is enjoyed. Any ideas?

I have considered this question for some years and any advice or pointers would be very welcome as I probably need to act sooner rather than later to avoid my children taking the whole lot to a charity shop!


Re vinyl, try the search facility!!! There is a currently open thread called Selling Vinyl, and there have been several others over recent years. Much information in them.m


Thanks for that. Yes I have tried that and all but one threads found are now closed. I have in fact contributed to them albeit on the subject of creating a catalogue via discogs.

I am looking to see if there isn’t something new that has been tried. The prevailing suggestion of Discogs would be a lifetime task album by album, but perhaps the most rare items might sell here. An auction of lots by band is perhaps another option and to be explored and eBay? …life is too short.

I have in the past sold collections (to a specialist buyer of Motown) but some inspiration on new ideas could just be the catalyst I need to sell the rest! The selling vinyl thread seems to have become a bit of an ‘argument’ so I am merely raising the question again and have no interest in covering old ground. If nobody has a new suggestion then perhaps the charity shop becomes my option!

I did a similar thing.

The LP12 was part exchanged with a dealer against a Linn Klimax DS/3; Katalyst streamer and the Naim CD5 SX was sold on eBay.

As you’re in the UK, I sold all my records and CDs, about a 1000 of each to a record buying site and used Eil. After contacting them they turned up, reviewed and valued them made an offer which I accepted. They then started to box them up and before they were finished, the money had been transferred to my bank account. Then they took them away, leaving a lot of empty space. The process was very easy, job done.

Perhaps I could have got more selling on DisCogs or eBay, but this method was so simple. No grading them, advertising them, buying packaging material, packing them up and posting them, arguing with the buyer once received as they thought it should be a lower grading. All in all, it was very straightforward with no hassle.

May not suit everyone to do it this way, but I thought that my time was more valuable than going through the above. The other thing to consider is how long would it take, weeks / months ? This way the job was done in one morning, allowing us to move the storage system and sell that on eBay. Then we could get on with re-arranging the room straight away.

Once our decision was made, we just wanted to get it done.



That was my thread, and yes it did deteriorate to the point where I walked away from it.
Like you, I have neither the time nor inclination to sell it all one item at a time and I’m not prepared to sell a NM item for the price a Good or even Poor rated item achieves on Discogs.
I’ll be an interested observer from the sidelines.
Hope you have better luck than me.

That is helpful. I will investigate. I had not considered the CD’s (about 10,000 in the garage all ripped to hard drive) That could be the iceing on the cake. Good suggestion. All the best