How do I change between LIST view to GALLERY style view on the Naim app?

How do I change between LIST view to GALLERY style view on the Naim app?

Top right corner is a block icon, touch that to change size & format

Thanks, Mike, but I can’t see what you mean… A block icon? Or a black icon?

Here’s a screenshot of my current view. I’ve had this style of view before but I prefer the gallery style view, so I want to know how to switch them.

Whenever I have managed to change them, I’ve done it inadvertently!

Thanks for your help, David

I’m travelling so can’t show u with a screen shot, but ‘drag’ the screen down to expose the search line, it’s on the same line & includes A-Z

As Mike says.

Go to the album list screen in your iPad screen shot and go all the way to the top, then you may already see the search box and the three icons on the top right, but if you can’t see them then you drag the album list down an inch and let go. You will see it then. As you tap any of the three icons, the view changes.



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PERFECT. Thank you, David & Mike. Sorted!

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Thank you! I had changed the view to list on a whim and had spent ages failing to find the way to change it back.

I, and my furrowed brow, thank you for a very timely and useful bit of advice.

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