How do Naim voice their equipment?

I’d like to think they have an array of people, e.g a Rocker, a Pop’r, a Jazz’r and a classical’ist that all check out the sound, then get locked in a room to agree any changes.

The trick with voicing speakers anyway, is to get all 4 of these to sound right. Getting any one to sound fine is a challenge, however balancing it all is where it really takes time. Oh, BTW: you need to add some vocals to the mix, in fact a lot of vocals is quite helpful.

Sometimes when I read reviews of speakers, the reviewer sometimes touches on the subject how a particular speaker was voiced and it seems to me its a constant procedure of the designers/makers to decide what to include in place of something else. It seems to me there is a constant compromise being made, and decisions being made as to what directions to take. I would imagine the more finance thrown at the design the greater the scope. Sound quality of speakers would also I think depend on the build of the speaker, for eg the ATC strengths would include the midrange because of its quality home made tweeter. So ATC speakers will sound different to PMC speakers and probably have different priorities as to sound quality…

My point related to sounds above the person’s upper limit of hearing, as well as where their sensitivity is significantly reduced.

But I think we’ve gone as far as we can with this speculation - as I said, my original comment was only in jest!

Pre covid times have seen LG live a few times and never disappointed. Equally caught the last ever concert of Wild Beasts and similarly excellent, both bands sound pretty decent through both the Naim system and Densen. So I guess just a matter of preference.

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