How does IRadio work (or supposed to work)?

True. And that’s their job as a manufacturer. It’s clear that relying on a single providers has let them and their customers down. Not a great endorsement for a high end provider of streaming equipment!

Not working here this morning.

Nor Working in Hove

Surely not practical to support two providers.

Many suppliers previously suffered a hit with TuneIn Radio (especially in UK) caused by events that were unseen and unexpected, and had to then seek alternatives.

Exactly my point, a statement level system is dead over this situation

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Yep not working again, not great in the holiday season with the rain beating down. Was looking fwd to listening all day inside with the log burner gping. Thanks for making sure that doesn’t happen!

Actually the recovery position is very simple. Just build in the ability for the user to directly enter the URL of the radio station via the Naim app. There are many ways to find URLs should Naim not choose to provide a utility themselves. Indeed if owners are looking for a station and need help there are those of us on this forum who would be willing to assist. The situation is only more complicated when station providers such as the BBC restrict access on some arbitrary or commercial basis.

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Surely this is a downside of all internet sourced services?

If the selected provider of that service (vtuner, Tidal, Spotify, X et al) goes down (which it will) or eventually fails/is superseded (which carries some degree of probability given enough time) then the whole service is gone. Either for the duration. Or forever.

Come The Apocalypse it’s not internet radio that’s going to be carrying the emergency message😉

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But has it failed , has it permanently shut down this vtuner or repair it ? Holy God

It’s called redundancy (the dictionary definition, not the pejorative term). Any mission-critical system uses it.

And do you have two different and unique power supplies to your home?
Maybe you have installed a generator.

Surely more mission-critical than a radio provider!

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Apocalypse found in a book dreamed up in old times.

some of you seem to live in a first generation streaming world. It is anoying but even to my qb I can get the same radio stations using airplay. Vtuner has something to explain to their customers meaning Naim and other companies that pay for what they claim is a fantastic service.

Santapocalypse perhaps?

The radio providers service is its mission. Therefore, it’s mission-critical for them.

Personally, I don’t give a rat’s you-know-what if vTuner goes down temporarily, but it reflects very poorly on their business professionalism.


No Radio streaming for the past 3 days in Scotland UK. Very frustrating. Any ideas?

See threads ref vtuner, the service is slowly recovering after an outage starting Christmas Day.

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Back in action in the Scotland UK

I think with the Gen 1 streamers a UPnP control point can send a URL to steam.

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