How to box up a 500PS?

Hi to all specialists for ancient Naim packaging,
The 500PS needs to go back for a service. The picture shows the big packing crate and padding it came in many years ago. The foam parts all seem a little too big for the box and the glueing of the box was therefore already torn apart when I got it back then. So I don’t even know wether it was put together correctly years ago and there is a surprising number of possibilities. The imprints of the feet on the foam plate were caused to my latest, unsuccessful attempt to get it right. Can anybody tell me how to do it correctly, most safely and as Naim intended?
Thanks from a slightly embarrassed user.

As it should go back to Salisbury via your dealer then get them to do the work. It won’t be a cheap fix and you will likely pay carraige charges. Peace of mind though.

Make sure you have the right box first as isn’t the box with the plastic handles on the 500 amp and not the 500 power supply

you are correct that the the PS goes to Salisbury via the distributor. Since the dealer is far from where I live, I asked him to send me the shipping labels directly to the distributor. This avoids sending the boxes back and forth needlessly. I just did not expect the packing to be the problem. The dealer did not answer my packing question yet, so I thought I try the wisdom of the forum.

it was a little past the year 2000 and both the amp and the PS came in the same crate-style boxes. The head unit is easy to pack but the setup for the PS seems a little ‘special’ and has probably since been changed. The box for e.g. a Supercap should do the trick as well, so I am not sure why Naim used a second giant crate.

It has been a while since I had my NAP500, but at one point both should have come with a big box with plastic handles (the very first batch had flight cases). IIRC this was packaging was then later changed and the 500PS had a regular box. The rectangular part in your picture shows where the feet have been. The circular cut outs allow you to insert the big Burndy cables on the top.

You learn something new most days and today’s has been done

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