How to get the best from my ND5 XS2

I haven’t tried. I run DIN connections where I can, but “only” because that’s the majority view. I read Skeptical’s posts with interest though, and I don’t think there’s any harm highlighting that there are other views about their relative SQ. I don’t actually have any RCA to RCA leads any more, but might try and find a pair sometime to give it a try.

Good to read your experiments! Though as pointed out it’s probably worth trying each one dedicated/optimised.

[quote=“Mr.M, post:84, topic:27130, full:true”]
Connecting both DIN and RCA outputs concurrently is not recommended[/quote]

Agreed, I was just replying to a earlier post by skeptical who said he tried both and said he found RCA connection sounded much better which it does if you have both connected and are toggling din/RCA, but if you try it by actually unplugging which ever you’re not using din sounds better then the RCA connection…

I have an NDS and an SN2 and when I added the Hi-Line, my wife and I noticed quite an improvement.
I bought it pre-owned from ebay so it wasn’t such a hit.


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