How to Rip CD and Play Stored Music via Naim HDX SSD?

Did you try without any slashes?
No, it does not require a static IP

You don’t need a static IP address.

This worked OK for me, but before delving any deeper into this, the interface you will get is largely identical to the front screen on your HDX. When it comes to configuring the folders you have created on your NAS, you can do it there without the need for a computer.

Yep. I just tried and still get same error message.

I also tried from HDX unit front touch screen panel itself and still getting exact same error message.

By the way, I have tried nServe on my Mac computer.

I have not tried Adobe Flash alternative method on Windows. My son has Windows computer so will try this method, too.

Thank you again…

I think it’s worth trying the method outlined in the User Manual here:

I also found a post of mine from nearly a year ago, where I was having problems trying to add a synology NAS to my system.
Here’s the link as it might help you too. Pesky HDX backups

I use a Mac but although N-Serve is useful for a lot of stuff I could never get it to work when trying to set up music stores from folders created on a NAS. The browser interface was what worked for me, so hopefully you can get this working. From memory it took me a few attempts, so keep trying and hopefully you’ll get there.

Another issue that catches most people out is that the folders you create on the NAS must be completely empty, or the HDX won’t be able to use them. Don’t even be tempted to click on them to open them, as most computers will then put an invisible file into the folder, so it looks empty to you, but it isn’t. If in doubt, delete your previous folders and make new ones.

Just installed Flash player on my Mac and when I open location and type the “ip address/tv.swf” tiny blank window opens then disappear. I guess that flash player does not work properly on my new Mac Mini.

I will try to follow manual once more and also check the thread referred by @Blythe to see if I can make it work tomorrow.

Fingers hard crossed to make it work.

I understand that HDX is older unit but found very hard to use it for a novice like myself…

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When the small box opens do you also see Flash Player appear in the top menu bar on your Mac screen? From there you should be able to select File > Open.

Hi Chris

Yes, I actually when to File > Open Location, then type ip address.
The flash player tiny blank window appears then disappear.

Here are screenshot to show version of flash installed and drop down menu bar.

Screen Shot 2022-06-21 at 10.04.57 am

And, here is the flash player version info.

Screen Shot 2022-06-21 at 10.05.08 am

One positive progress… The NAS finally appears on N-Serve.

But it’s status “Offline” so cannot Use as Store somehow.

Here is the screenshot.

Hello, @Blythe I checked your the other thread and the last instruction under “Permission” tab under the folder, do I just tick all of assets showing there?

Here is the screenshot that I just tick eveything under “Read Only”

Thank you…

Those Synology apps don’t need access to your music folder.

Click on ‘System internal user’ and select ‘Local users’. You should be able to see any user accounts you have set up, including admin, guest, etc. Give them read/write access.

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Thanks, Chris. Just did.

Do you happen to know why it may show as Offline?

I guess that I need to click “Use as Store” button on the right but it is greyed out because it is showing as offline. (scratching head)…

Apologies for a slow response.
This is how I have mine set, Read/Write for the admin account and my home account called bruern.

I also note that I had to “Deactivate” the drive in n-Serve for it to become available for me to use as a backup… Which seemed odd…
Also as ChrisSU said, no need to grant access to all of those additional apps. Just the users for the folder where your HDX will want to write the files to and be able to read them for playback.

Does the synology support smb1 the hdx is very obsolete at this stage so you will need to enable old technologies to get it working.

Returning errors on passwords etc is very likely an SMB issue

I don’t know much about synology though, so cannot advise how to check

@ChrisSU @Blythe Thank you so much for you guys help.

I finally managed to connect to my NAS and put the folder into Network Stores.

I will try ripping a few CDs and hope it works :slight_smile:

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Just tried ripping a few CDs and found that it stores in the folder but in WAV file format even though I changed setting to save as FLAC under Music Stores > Storage Format > Flac.

WAV file takes two times more space than FLAC so preferred format is FLAC.

If I remember correctly, it will rip in WAV, then over a period of time convert those files to FLAC. That conversion will only happen when the HDX is not in use.
The same goes for the MP3 versions - they are converted after ripping.
Also, any changes to Meta data, renaming / adding artwork can only be done when the HDX is not processing the ripped files. Try leaving it for 30 minutes, then check the status of this rips.